The Destiny of Velious saga continues as adventurers breach the barriers of the Withered Lands seeking entrance to Skyshrine, the glorious ancient dragon city!
The great citadel of Skyshrine has long housed the Claws of Veeshan dragons behind its massive walls and arcane protections. Now, the unthinkable has happened -- it has become besieged by powerful forces. Battle and befriend dragons and their wurmkin in the forbidden city of Dracur. Explore the past to unravel mysterious events that transformed the formidable draconic city into a battlefield full of daunting challenges, fearful foes and unimaginable treasures!
Far below Skyshrine a different battle rages on. The Withered Lands, once known as the Wakening Land, was a majestic Plane of Growth-touched valley. Today it is oddly overgrown and overrun by a sickly magic. This strange corruption has touched and twisted many of the creatures that thrived here, including the legendary caretakers of the forest. Turned to a dark purpose, the caretakers cultivate the afflicted plants and animals. And deep in the creeping woods, chaotic storms drench the forest and singe the gnarled treetops where an angry dragon flies overhead!
Save the forest from corruption, aid the armies of Norrath in reaching Skyshrine, explore the intrigues of dragon kind and save their embattled city!
To reach the Withered Lands, please seek out the New Combine Griffon Tamer located at the Thurgadin Harbor in the Great Divide.
Destiny of Velious Content Updates Include: *
- Level cap raised to 92
- Withered Lands outdoor zone with over 100 quests and solo, small group, and raid content
- Play YOUR way in Skyshrine instances with normal and Challenge group modes or choose to solo
- Experience storyline events with Heroic Group and Raid endgame instances
- Earn prestige abilities to build on the power of your character
- All new tradeskill quests and items woven into the story arc
- New Drake mounts
Age of Discovery Additions: **
- Poet's Palace Dungeon Maker theme and items
- New Dungeon Maker adventurers
- Tradeskill apprentices with new recipes (one Elite!)
- One all new elite mercenary and three dragon golem ones
- New creatures to tame for Beastlords
*Requires Destiny of Velious expansion
**Requires Age of Discovery expansion