Each year, at the beginning of the season of Growth, Tunare whispers to the animals of the forest to let them know that spring is beginning.  Now, magic overflows, and the flora and fauna rejoice in this season of birth and renewal. Across Norrath, flowers bloom and animals frolic in exuberant celebration.

The fauna of the forest will sometimes leave gifts around for the realm of man, as a way to share their own joy in the coming of spring. You'll be able to partake in these celebrations until Tuesday, April 3, 2018.

Beast'r Egg

Inspired by all the spring excitement, Beast’r Eggs have started to hatch and explore the world around them. Some of you may have already spied them hiding around Norrath, and if you’re lucky enough to find one, go interact with it and the egg will become your newest pet!

All Beast'r Eggs

There are 11 different Beast’r Eggs for you to find (6 of these are new!), each with its own unique coloring! You’ll only be able to find these Beast’r Eggs until 11:59PM PT on Tuesday, April 3, 2018.

Aside from the Beast'r Eggs, we've also got a bushel of other new features for you to enjoy as well:

New Items:

  • Beast'r Eggschangers are willing to trade the Beast'r Eggs you find throughout Norrath for Beast'r Egg house pets!


New Title and Achievement:

  • "Accomplished Beast'r Egg Hunter"


TLE Server Features:

  • On both Stormhold and Fallen Gate, you can enjoy all of the Beast'r celebrations!


Happy hunting, Norrathians!