It’s time to head to the pub for a few frosty ales as we raise a celebratory stein or two! The Duke of Below himself demands toasts and revelry in his honor, so who are we to argue? We recommend you turn in the reins for whatever you rode in, grab some snacks, and get to the festivities! To get started, just check your mailbox!
New Brewday Festival features for '25!
- Live servers
- New holiday signs can be marked in select celebration locations throughout Norrath.
- New tradeskill quest!
- Distill Water Runs Deep offered by Prinna Springkettle in the Bar of Brell!
- Features the new "Essence of Fermented Revelry" weapon aura!
"Essence of Fermented Revelry" weapon aura!
- New Immeasurable Menagerie event content!
- While this event is running and you are in the Immeasurable Menagerie, you might find a room related to the Brewday Festival there.
- 8 New Merchant Items sold by Balin Copperfoot in the Bar of Brell!
- New Tradeskill recipe book, "Brewday Accoutrements to Craft XVI" sold by Balin Copperfoot in the Bar of Brell. The recipes require holiday harvestables gathered from "Bountiful Brewday gardens" and other low level harvestables as components.
- New Immeasurable Menagerie event content!
- Special Rules Servers
- Varsoon, Kael Drakkel, & Zarrakon - The entire event is active!
New 2025 craftable items, rewards & merchant items
- Returning Brewday Festival features for '25!
- In-game mail to announce the event and summarize location of quest givers.
- Returning achievements:
- The Great Brewday Pub Crawl
- Festive Furniture
- Pub N' Suds
- Drunk Level: Dwarf
- Can't Hold Their Liquor
- Returning special event items can be purchased from Digret Runebrand in Bar of Brell in exchange for Beer Tokens.
- Special event items can be purchased from Balin Copperfoot and Digret Runebrand in Bar of Brell in exchange for Beer Tokens.
- Bountiful Brewday gardens can only be seen when wearing the "Improved Ale Goggles" head equipment. They spawn in Commonlands, Antonica, Greater Faydark, Darklight Wood, Timorous Deep, and Frostfang Sea.
- The Entrance to the Bar of Brell in Antonica, Commonlands, Haven, Greater Faydark, Timorous Deep and Frostfang Sea.
- Wild Boar is 100% drop from Hammy in High Keep while Brewday is active.
- Collections:
- Brewday Bar Bites
- More Brews is Good News
- Brews Across Norrath
- Tradeskill recipe books sold by Digret Runebrand in the Bar of Brell. The recipes require holiday harvestables gathered from "Bountiful Brewday gardens" and other low level harvestables as components.
- Brewday High-tech Distilleries
- Brewday Accoutrements to Craft I - XV
- Returning Overseer Quests and Agents
- Offered: Steinmaster Borric, a cleric of Serilis in the Bar of Brell
- Altar Addition - Grikbar Prayer Necklace
- Altar Addition - Umbrite Icon of Brell
- Altar Addition - Deep Muse Prayers
- Altar Addition: Sabertooth Runic Totem
- Altar Addition - Terrok Chant Stone
- Offered: Steinmaster Borric, a cleric of Serilis in the Bar of Brell
- Returning Quests:
- “Brew Bowl Bedazzlement” - Repeatable every year
- “Yours, Stein, and Ours” - Repeatable every year
- “Ale in a Day’s Work” - Repeatable every year
- "Pressed into the Brewcrew" - Repeatable every year
- "Bog Mountain's Eruption" - Repeatable every year
- "Valla Brewhammer's Special Brew" - NOT repeatable
- "What is That Noise?!" - Repeatable every year
- "Drinks Are On The House!" - Repeatable every two hours
- "Snoogle's Presentation" - Repeatable every year
- "Beers for Brell!" - Repeatable every year
- "Brell's Everlasting Brew" - Repeatable every year
- "Ale Goggles" - Repeatable every year
- "Thurgadin Ice Brew" - Repeatable every year
- "Black Swill for Blackswell" - NOT repeatable
- "Deep Within Hammerhall" - Repeatable every year
- "Rummage for Answers" - Repeatable every year
- Brewday Beer Guardin': Butcherblock - Repeatable
Check your mailbox when you log in, and then let the cheering and toasting begin! Brewday Festival started today and will end on March 26, 2025, at 11:59 p.m. PDT. Cheers, and have a great time!