Hail Norrathians!
With the launch of GU106: Seeds of Vengeance and the imminent return to the Shard of Hate, more heroes are needed to brave the dangers put forth by Innoruuk.
From Thursday, May 24th, 2018 to Thursday, June 7th, 2018 all existing accounts will be able to create a single level 100 heroic character.
As soon as you create your free heroic character, they will be ready for adventure, and will come with the following items:
- Shadowed Selecat Familiar
- Personal Avatar Mercenary
- Nether Harbinger Flying Mount
- A full set of gear, including new unique armor variants
- And other unique items!
Once you claim your free level 100 heroic character, your account will also be granted temporary access to the Planes of Prophecy expansion if you do not already own it! This will allow you to reach up to level 105 with your new character and explore the Planes of Prophecy expansion zones.
After June 7th, characters that have leveled above 100 will stay at their current level, but will not be able to level up further unless the Planes of Prophecy expansion is purchased. Characters in expansion zones will be automatically removed from the area upon zoning in, and you'll be able to continue your adventures outside the Planes.
We hope you enjoy this challenging new adventure, and we'll see you all on the Planes!