Here is a quick peek at some of the new content coming up for Game Update 32 to EverQuest II. If you remember the GU32 preview from last week, we have a lot of exciting content coming into the game. Once again, there will be a holiday celebration, but there will also be an exiting new zone for high level characters, an in-game web browser, and a respec for your achievement lines. Let's take a look at some of the new content!

The Estate of Unrest

You've heard that Unrest was on the way for a while now, and with GU32 the zone is delivered! Unrest will be an instanced zone for a group of high level characters to adventure through. The amount of detail, and items of interest that are tucked away throughout Unrest make it quite a fun adventure indeed, and something every high level group should check out.

New Functionality for Your Petitions!

When GU32 hits the servers, you will also be able to use the new in-game web browser to file petitions and more! We know that the current system has been difficult to manage, and this new browser should make it much easier to file petitions from within the game space. In addition, the UI community will have access to the browser to tweak to their hearts content. Child accounts with Parental controls enabled will only be able to use this browser to access SOE websites.

Achievement Respec

Your final abilities in the Class Achievement trees will soon cost just 2 points instead of 8! Due to this change your Class Achievement tree has been reset and the points are being refunded back into your Class Achievement pool. With this respec you can reassign those points as you wish on the Class Achievement tree and adjust your character to your current game tactics. This is a one time only respec, so choose your reassigned points wisely! Also, obtaining the final ability in a Class Acheivement tree will grant a new prefix title associated with the name of that attribute line!

Grab a Tankard

Is your head still pounding from your last visit to the Bar of Brell? Brew Day will be returning next month! Grab your stein and prepare to throw back with some of your friends in one of Grimwell's favorite holidays.

As always, this is just a brief sampling of the many things that are coming with GU32. Watch for a full listing of the update notes when the update goes live. It will include further detail on all these items, and more! Want to discuss this Sneak Peek? Jump into this thread in the EQII Official Forums and share your thoughts.