Hark! Be that the Town Crier I spy? He brings us tidings from the far reaches of Norrath's influence. Be they dismal, strange, or otherwise? Let us observe as he waxes eloquent about current affairs.

Those Who Gather News and Data

The Crier's first stop was over at EQII Allakhazam, where he discovered that they have completely updated their information about the Queens Colony, a sure resource for anyone getting a fresh start in the game. Their Loping Plains revision project is also well underway, and you can already see some of the results.

Next the Crier found himself dodging the Ten Ton Hammer while he perused their walkthrough for the Blade of the Fae Signature Quest. If you are looking to acquire some new steel, this may be the answer for you. They also have a full report on how you can acquire a keg for your very own home in the Brew Day events. Headed into the Mistmoor Catacombs? Be sure to check out their new guide to the zone!

If you have never visited the Athenaeum, you may wish to follow in the Crier's foosteps, as he discovered a huge repository of lore collected from all across Norrath.

The folks at EQII WarCry signaled to the Town Crier that they had a sneak peek at the Conjuror Class Hat from the Test Server. Those folks at WarCry sure are crafty and sneaky!

Dark Voices

In the land of podcasts, the Inside Nagafen #8 Podcast was recently made available. Chas and Sifo share their views on the game from the PVP perspective, best to use the headphones and mind the little ones while listening to the bloody banter of PVP fighters…

Stuck in the Blogs

The Crier again ventured into the dangerous and uncharted land of the bloggers and discovered many rare gems!

TAGN has a humorous post up about taking a shot in the head while he tried to sort out monster control of a bridge in Butcherblock. He also has a detailed post up about the game from an alchemist's point of view and writes about end game economic factors.

Ogrebear writes about the new Brew Day quest in a post titled 'Pink Elephants and Flying Pigs.'

The Buttonmashing blog has a nice entry up celebrating the visual differences in the game after a video card upgrade.

Azure, new to EQII with the EoF launch has started the 'All Things EQ2' blog. Stop in and say hello!

Thus ends this weeks report from the Town Crier. As there is always much to see and learn in the lands of the Web about EverQuest II it won't be long before we kick him up from his rest and send him out again to see, learn, and report for your benefit!