There is a limit of two server transfers per character, allowing you to go home if the grass is not so green on the new server. The main goal of this is to allow the EU PvP community to find the best new home for their needs, but everyone gets to take advantage of the opportunity! Since it affects all players, let's review the finer points to make sure everyone is informed.
- In order to take advantage of the free transfer, click on the "Character Services" link on the EQ2Players website.
- Only characters may take advantage of the opportunity for a free server transfer. Each character is limited to two such moves.
- Guilds that want to relocate will need to do so as individuals, and then form a new guild on the destination server.
- You can transfer your character between accounts, provided that you own both the source and destination account.
- Moving your character to another account you own does not count toward the two move limit.
- If you and another player on the target server have characters with the same name - priority for name ownership will be given to the person who is on the destination server. In the case where your preferred name has already been taken, the Character Transfer tool will prompt you to create a new name.
- Starting on May 8th, you may file a petition to have your name changed if you have been affected by the appended 'x' at the following website:
- House vaults can be used for storage, and will maintain their proper association with your character.
- All items on the broker system, including containers, need to be removed prior to the character transfer.
- Vendor items in your house will need to be placed again when you get to your new home. This is to ensure that the items maintain an association with your character as their owner.
- PvP characters must stay on PvP servers. PvE characters must stay on PvE servers. Characters on Exchange servers must remain on Exchange servers.