What are the major differences between the 2 races?
Love versus hate. Innocence versus maliciousness. Growth versus destruction. Oh, and their dance is not so chaotic and twirly.

What are few of the Arasai's strengths and weaknesses?
Their biggest strengths are being born within the Teir'Dal Empire and of dark magic. This gives them a natural talent for the arcane.

Their biggest weaknesses would be their faith and utter devotion to their goddess. They would sacrifice themselves to carry out any request of hers; even if it was just something they were told was to glorify her.

Can you take us briefly through the process of creating a new race?
That is an interesting question because some of the specifics of the process are even a mystery to me! The first stages would involve artists and game producers making pitches and general lore. Once they have made their final choice and have full approval then the race goes into art production. This includes animations (fighting, casting, walking, etc.). Then comes the fun of fleshing out the lore and creating story lines!

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