Game Update 36 is headed to the live servers this coming Thursday, the 28th of June. As noted in the Game Update Preview, there are a great number of things coming with this next GU, and today we are going to take a peek into one of those new content items: The Throne of New Tunaria.

The Felwithe Throne is now available for raid parties to discover and explore. The raid will provide quite a challenge and require strong coordination from the raid groups who visit it. In the meantime, we can all enjoy these restive and peaceful looks behind the doors to the Felwithe Throne, as the people going inside aren't likely to have many reflective moments.

As you can see, the Felwithe Throne is an impressive continuation of the beautiful themes explored in New Tunaria. We are very excited to have this new opportunity for raiders in the Echoes of Faydwer expansion area. How excited are you to give it a shot? Share your thoughts in the official forums.