Ahoy! Me dear ol mum, bless her black soul, tol me I be needin' to to point ye scurvy dogs to this week's Treasure Chest! Keep yer one good eye out in th' crowsnest in hopes that ye be findin me' pretties and baubles that dropped into it!

Treasures o' Knowledge!

Might cheese spark that glint in yer' eye like a goldpiece? Might ye' have a spot o' trouble in keepin' yer grimy claws off th' prized collectables o'others? Perhaps bein' a Ratonga be' yer swagger! If ye be knowing' the history of the Rat-folk, take a gander at what Enever's posted and see if'n ye' got any input ta' give!

Swingin' across the railing's o' yer ship to take on the might of their navy may be yer thing, and bjkeq2 wants ta' know how to be best at it! How does a great pirate stand their ground, ta' ensure the lifes of his or her crewmates? If ye' be knowin' that stuff to be a great tank, chime in 'ere and let em all know!

The scurvy dog Mirander_1 has asked somethin' that I know has been plaguing ye! The Heralds of the Nine Have Arisen. So Now What? Now what indeed, this pirate says! Yarr!

Ye' sail the seas for longer then ye' remember and yet there's still things that she'll be teachin' ye! There be two great treasures that're floatin' these waters, perhaps ye' can make some use of em', too! Watch yer' back though, others may be on yer mangy tail to get their claws inta' it!

If th' finger-wigglin' be your game, then maybe ye' have some treasure to give about this... Ceronin's lookin' ta upgrade their magical arts, and some advice about those dark arts are what they be seekin'. I imagine there be others that be needin' this information too, if ye be willin' ta give up the direction.

Loot t' slap yer knee by!

Lesca be' a hilarious sort, postin' some very funny comics fer yer' amusement! Don't ye dare let that pass, 'r ye'll be on the plank down ta' Davy Jones's locker a'fore my parrot can squalk!

Avast! We done scraped the very hull o' this Treasure Chest! If any o' our mangey dogs missed any good loot of interest 'r entertainment, let yer' captain know in the official EQII forums so they can be run-though and keel-hauled for their foul skull-duggery!

And if you forgot… YARR, ME' MATEYS!