Real life first name: Colleen
Main Character name: Fever Stormfist
Server: The Bazaar
Guild: Night Hawks
Length of Time Played: a little over a year
Where are you from? Indiana

What first started you on the road to home design in EverQuest II?
I was intrigued with the whole idea of having a personalized zone. Once I started peeking in other people's houses, I was hooked.

How do you come up with your house designs?
Inspiration seems to strike when I'm offline, doing other things. I have a notepad full of yet-to-be-built doodles.

How long does it usually take to work on a specific project?
It depends on how elaborate the scheme is. Usually at least a solid weekend plus some extra time to "tweak" things: water the plants, line up the books, make sure the balcony's strong enough and the bed is soft enough ...

How long did it take to design this wonderful "Music Hall"?
(The screenshots you sent me) The band stage went up fairly quickly - it was designed earlier and simply moved from Freeport to Qeynos. I wasn't given a time table for the rest of the room, and the balcony/bar is the result.

How many items do you think it took to outfit this "Music Hall"?
It always takes more than I think it will. The extra touches (for example, the tray of drinks on the bar) can really make the room look finished. The Music Hall, so far, is over 150.

Do you have an army of carpenters that works for you, or do you make these items yourself?
I craft everything on the spot. Being able to take what I need with me, including the work stations, really saves time.

I heard that you offer this as a service... How many homes have you worked on already?
I've been honored with the trust of quite a few homeowners so far, and I've met some wonderful people along the way. It's a great "job!"



How many homes are you backlogged on, presently?
I like to work on several homes at once - changing environments seems to keep the creativity flowing. I'm currently branching out by training a new carpenter alt, Jetje, on another server.

For those that are thinking on starting home design, what advice might you have to ease them into it?
Never "pick up" an item near a complicated grouping - "move" it away first. That way, if you've grabbed the wrong item you can ESC to put it back without having to start over.

Lightning Round!
Cats or Dogs? Cats
Ice Cream or Cookies? Cookie dough ice cream!
Freeport or Qeynos? Freeport
Morning or Evening? Evening

Was there anything more you wanted to add?
I'm psyched about the possibilities the new guild halls may offer. I have several ideas, and I hope I get a chance to build them all!