
  • Real life first name: Neil
  • Main Character name: Naneeje
  • Server: Antonia Bayle
  • Guild: Shadow of the Knights

Where in the real life world do you live? Arlington, Washington

What type of work do you do? Construction (currently recalled Navy Reserves in Mayport, Florida)

What got you into gaming and what sort of games do you like the most? All my best friend Jeff would talk about was Everquest, Everquest, Everquest… so I had to try it.

What other hobbies or activities do you take part in, other then playing EQII? Play piano, have 5 kids, love to coach their sports, and community leader in hometown church events for children.

What other MMOs have you played? Black hawk down is my favorite military, but all the other final fantasy, wow, just couldn't get into them like I do Everquest. (and EQ2)

How long have you played EQII? 3 weeks now, consistently.

How long is your typical gaming session when playing EQII?Around 4-12 hours.

What does a typical EQII day consist of for you? Since "call of Kelethin" made it easy to get around, I start my day there. I check my sales log to see if I can grab anything from the bank and get it into the sales log to keep the boxes full. If I feel like crafting I will start that, then it's off to venture out and see what I can do... My quest journal has 4 spots available, that's how many quests I have picked up in TS and NForest. (I'll be starting those this week)

What was the race and class of your very first character? I chose high elf and Paladin, I really enjoy being the guy who melees, and then when the healer gets overwhelmed, kick in a little bit of help for him. There is a lot to playing a Paladin, which makes the game very challenging and fun.

What is your highest level in EQII? 29

What race and class is your main character? I currently only play the one character and plan to for a long time.

What do you like the most about the class you have chosen for your main character? As mentioned above the challenges, definitely the daily challenges of a Paladin.

Does your main character worship a deity? Any recommendations? I am still researching that to see what my character should pick.

How did you choose your main character's name? It is sad, but I let EQ2 choose it for me. It is growing on me though.

Which classes in EQII have you NOT played? The Paladin is the only one I've played.

What is your favorite expansion? I really like the Echoes of Faydwer zones. I think that they did a good job with them. It was very frustrating at first with all the hills, but I like it very much now.

What is your favorite zone? Definitely Crushbone Keep, which is a fun place to hang out.

What is your favorite npc? Well, I have a long ways to go, but so far, I like the looks of the new blue orcs... I think they make it fun to bash away on them.

Which expansion do you like the least? I don't think I have a comment on this yet.

Which zone do you like the least? Nektulos Forest seems dry, but let me get into it.

Which npc do you like the least? Whittier..why? I don't know he just bugs me.

What is the most platinum you have ever spent on purchasing a single item for one of your characters? 9pp on a horse...ouch!!!

Do you have an item you no longer use but keep around for nostalgic reasons? Snow form... I love the snow form and gnoll form; they are just funny to me.

What do you like best about EQII? All the changes they made to make it more of a half and half type game, now you can solo your way to the top, but there is plenty of group content when you want it.

What do you get out of playing EQII?I save money from gambling at casinos... LOL, instead of gambling I now sit and make swords and make money.

Describe your best experience from playing EQII? So far the Crushbone group we took in. It was just a really good group. We got alot accomplished, and we should have died by rights, but our gang really grinded out a good couple of saves… very worth it.

Do you run or work for an EQII Fan Site? No, but I believe every player should be on the eq2players forum sharing their great input.