With so many posts happening in the EQII Official Forums at all times, it can be very hard to keep up with them all, and very easy to miss some real gems and opportunities to share. Have no fear though; the Treasure Chest is here to highlight interesting, unusual, and humorous posts, as well as opportunities to help your fellow player with a question or two!

Treasure of Knowledge!

There have been some great discussions and debates this week in regards to the tank classes! Jedi_Knight_Jr's "PALLY OR GUARD?" post has some great information pertaining to those that are choosing to be a Paladin or Guardian. The thread entitled "Group tank ranks" from poster Prophien has some equally great information for all "tank" classes in regards to what they're best at per class.

What is your favorite zone and why? Verrie77 asked this very interesting question, and it's seen some good information as well as reasons for those choices. What zone do YOU like most and why?

DominoDev even chimed in this week! For those that spend much of their time collecting harvestables, she's asked "Which zones do you find are most overrun by bushes?". If your backpacks are laden with more harvests then loot, chime in and let her know!

Jonny_Reload's asked a great question this week, one that MANY have sought the answer for. What is the best way to earn Achievements?

"Easter Eggs" have always been found in SOE games, from Qeynos being "Sonyeq" backwards to many of the Norrathian gods being word jumbles of the elements... It seems that even today, the humor of the developers shows in what Calogrenant found! If you're a humor hunter, if you've found some interesting Norrathian "Easter eggs", drop a line and let us know!

Lore Galore!

This week, TheSpin has asked about Bertoxxulous, the lord of plague and disease and the bane of all healers across Norrath and the savior of Necromancers and Warlocks. Might any of our adventurers know interesting lore and information in regards to this most vile and decrepit of deities?

Knights of Truth and the Order of Marr have always been an interesting brother/sisterhood, charged with upholding the good of Norrath and yet having some pretty spotty histories in turn. Pookie9981 asked of those secret societies in a post this week, do you happen to have anything to add?

Did we happen to miss anything of note over this past week of informational or entertaining note? Did you simply want to chat about this recent Treasure Chest? You can do so here in the EQII Official Forums!