A title, The Zealous - Your fame has grown. Tales of your exploits have been told among the citizenry of major cities across Norrath. In the cities, children grow up wanting to be just like you. Don't be surprised if you're worshipped by all while gracing them with your presence.

Treasure Hoard - A treasure chest that symbolizes your amassed wealth as an accomplished citizen of Norrath. Your home city is lucky to have you as a citizen. Placing one of these items in your home will cause all landlords to give you a 25% discount on your coin rent.

Mystic Moppet Billy - All that fame and constant recognition can be draining on Norrath's own superstars. Sometimes it's refreshing to be able to disappear into the background. You can do so more easily with your own Billy Illusion.

Draft of the Skilled (x3)
Draft of the Wise (x3)

Draft of the Skilled (x3) and Draft of the Wise (x3) - Not that a person of your stature would need such assistance, but famous people lead busy lives. Any time they can save leads to more time for heroic deeds and economic exploits. The most advanced adventurers and crafters do have their public to think about, after all.