
  • Real life first name: Christopher
  • Main Character name: Takaab Blackbird
  • Server: Lucan D'Lere
  • Guild: New Dawn Adventurers (NDA)

Where in the real life world do you live? Lorton, Virginia

What type of work do you do? Student

What got you into gaming and what sort of games do you like the most? Grew up with Games... Board Games, Card Games and Electronic Games.

What other hobbies or activities do you take part in, other then playing EQII? Card Games (Such as Yu-Gi-Oh!, Poker, Blackjack) watching T.V., watching Movies, chilling with friends at college, among other stuff.

What other MMOs have you played? Star Wars Galaxies (SWG), Everquest (1st MMO I've ever played... man I miss Shar Vahl and the Vah Shir), Everquest II (EQ 2), Matrix Online (MxO), Vangaurd, World of Warcraft (for a hour... only an hour... maybe less), Lord of the Rings (for a couple of hours)

How long have you played EQII? Lets see... started playing when it FIRST came out, so for as long as EQII has been in existence.

How long is your typical gaming session when playing EQII? Depends on what I'm doing, otherwise between a couple hours to half a day... unless I'm at college.

What does a typical EQII day consist of for you? Logging onto one of my toons, seeing if they sold anything, go kill a couple things for some exp, switching to an Alt, rinse & Repeat with helping guildmates with a couple of stuff... PLUS sending tells to any people of guilds if their Guild leveled up. [always good to be an ambassador and congratulating other guilds for achievements... helps promote NDA as a good guild, despite our leader being a Ratonga, lol couldn't resist Leader]

What was the race and class of your very first character? In EQII, that would be Blackbird, my Dark Elf Ranger... He Betrayed back when Nek Forest WAS Scary... before we had the maps from EQII.

What is your highest level in EQII? That would be my Main, Takaab Blackbird... He is a Level 60 Conj. He dinged 60 yesterday...

What race and class is your main character? Kerra & Conj. [hey, since he couldn't be a Vah Shir... best to be the next best thing...].

What do you like the most about the class you have chosen for your main character? Turning group members into Elementals, lol... what, that IS fun to do... nah, I had him be a Conj. because I love summoning things.

Does your main character worship a deity? Yes, Sol Ro... only because he can't worship the REAL Goddess, Goddess Veeshan, the Queen of the Dragons. Once we are allowed to worship Veeshan (IF we are able to) bye bye Sol Ro, and I will complete my Destiny of worshipping Veeshan and becoming a Dragonrider (lol, hey, I can wish can't I)

How did you choose your main character's name? He was named after his Ancestor in EQ, Takaab Blackbird, the Vah Shir Rogue.

Which classes in EQII have you NOT played? I haven't played a few of the Healers and a couple of the Fighters.

What is your favorite expansion? For EQII, it isn't out yet (at the time i typed this), and no it isn't Rise of Kunark, although that will be fun, nah, my favorite Expansion will be when we can go visit what remains of the great city of Shar Vahl.

What is your favorite zone? It will be Shar Vahl and the Crator it resided in if we ever get to see it again.

What is your favorite npc? All of the Kerras... oh and Fippy Darkpaw.

Which expansion do you like the least? I don't have one.

Which zone do you like the least? All of the places in the Desert of Flames... because it is too HOT there, lol, just kidding... I don't have a least favorite zone.

Which npc do you like the least? I forget his name, but the kid that keeps asking if I've seen a gnoll... man, if we were able to make gnolls and he asked me that, I would say... "Why yes I have, I see a gnoll every time I look in the mirror or at the water."

What is the most platinum you have ever spent on purchasing a single item for one of your characters? Platinum... what's Platinum, I just made 1 PLAT last week, and then had 4 Platinum either yesterday or the day before... but I've spent 3 of the 4 Plat on some Collection Items... that reminds me, I need to see if I can buy the Darkened Nightblood Blood, so that I can (finally) complete the Nightblood L&L.

Do you have an item you no longer use but keep around for nostalgic reasons? Pirate Flag... Because I hope that 1 day we are allowed to own our own boats or have Guild Boats... cause I want to be a Conjuring Pirate, Arrrr!

What do you like best about EQII? The atmosphere and the fact that we can ride Griffons, Clouds, Carpets, etc.

What do you get out of playing EQII? Enjoyment... kind of…

Describe your best experience from playing EQII? Making the Journey from Freeport - Qeynos, after betraying Freeport.... BY MYSELF, and having to carefully go through the Nek Forest... hey, this was the ORIGINAL Betrayal, betrayed Blackbird about the 2nd or 3rd week after the game launched.

Do you run or work for an EQII Fan Site? I do not... sadly :(....

Side Note: EQII ROCKS, Hope to go and visit the flaming city of Shar Vahl, and I filled out the answers on Nov. 12th of 2007. (For reference in regard to saying "yesterday or the day before".)