During the last few months, a lot of our EQ2 Players customers have been patiently waiting for our next release.  We had originally scheduled to do a release late summer, but it ended up bleeding into our expansion work and turning into the very sizable release we put out today.  I would like to thank all of our customers for their patience in waiting for this release, and for their feedback which was instrumental in prioritizing some of the features we have put in place today.  Here are the release notes for today’s release:

EQ2 Players Rise of Kunark Release (3.4)

  • Expanded Guild Rosters! – This feature has been requested regularly since our revamp last year.  We hope that customers will be pleasantly surprised by the new version of the rosters, which are much more functional than the previous version.  Anyone that is subscribed to the Guild Tools or Station Players Bundle can customize the way the guild roster displays for any guild they are in.  We look forward to the feedback on this feature, and what people end up using it for.  Please stop by the forums to let us know what you think of it.
  • New Forum Signatures – Our art department has put together some new forum signatures which we are really excited about.  These signatures are free to everyone under the character profile, and we hope you all enjoy the new art!
  • EOF Achievements – A bit late, but the EoF Achievements can now be viewed in a character’s achievements.
  • Login Redirect – We have finally gotten the redirect on login to behave itself properly.  When you log in, you will be sent back to the page you were on, instead of the front page.
  • Character Profile Updated – Can now see your Status, Mitigation is correctly labeled as a %, and Time Played has been moved.
  • Characters may now hide their Last Login and Time Played in their permissions.
  • Characters may now choose to be anonymous in the Leaderboards in their permissions.
  • Changing your Secondary Tradeskill will now update the site correctly
  • Master Abilities Leaderboard should now work.
  • Guild Most Status Leaderboard should now work correctly.
  • Guild Discoveries now know the difference between Global and Server.
  • Item Discoveries should now display accurately on the Item Index page.
  • Male Icons – The Male icons have finally managed to break their way into the leaderboards.
  • News Archives should be a bit easier to find and to browse.
  • Full Expansion Support – Search for the new items as they are discovered, characters above level 70, and all the new sarnaks on your server.
  • Lots of cleanup – Especially in the leaderboards and search areas.  The dropdowns should behave a bit better, and results should be a bit friendlier.
  • Tons of localization fixes – Largely cosmetic, but we are constantly squashing these bugs as we find them.  Mainly German and French bugs, with a bit of Japanese fixes as well.

Please stop by the forums and let us know what you think of the changes, or what you would like to see next!