A well worn traveler of the lands known as the Town Crier journeys lands near and far seeking out the latest in EverQuest II news and information. Join us once more as the Crier returns from his latest journeys, filled with news and information from all around those strange lands. One never knows what new secrets his stories will hold!

Fansite Finds!

Mpogd.com has published a great Rise of Kunark feature, filled with more screenshots then you can shake a gnome at! If you're still patching, drop over there and see what you'll be in for!

Who's up for a Rise of Kunark contest?! If you want to try for some cool Gameamp swag or even a Beckett's Online Massive Gamer magazine subscription, check Gameamp.com out!

Allakhazam's Rise of Kunark wikibase is on fire with as much information they've been given! As quickly as folks are exploring, they're running over there to divulge all the delicious information they've found!

The features and articles keep on coming, thanks to TenTonHammer! This week we've seen not only their "EverQuest II: Rise of Kunark Expansion Review", but their "Developer Profile of Everquest 2's Scott Hartsman" as well! If you want to learn their take on the newest additions to Norrath or what information they may of squeezed out of the always informational Senior Producer of EverQuest II, check them out!

The Rise of Kunark expansion has definitely stretched the abilities of SOE artists! From the color use to the lay-outs of the mega zones they've implemented, it's been a daunting task! On Warcry this week, they have a "Interview & Gallery: The Art of EverQuest II Rise of Kunark" feature for you to learn more!

November 9th marks EverQuest II's 3rd birthday! Ign.com is hosting an awesome birthday video, showing what we've been through as well as interviews from some of the EQII development and art staff!

Blogs and You!

Fabled armor sets, shinies and Burynai, oh my! West Karana has an outstanding feature this week, showing what armors you may be seeing ingame shortly ingame as well as some handy information about the newly implemented Burynai pet!

Talking about that new Burynai pet, Kithicor has given us an absolutely mind blowing article regarding what you can feed that ever-hungry fellow as well as what you may be finding through it's subsequent actions! If you've been hungering to know more about the care and feeding of your own furry friend, look here!

The stories, the screenshots and the reviews just keep rolling in! Revenants from Revenants.wordpress.com has given us a cool article called "Showing the Kunark love…", where they take us on a pictorial journey as to what they've found!

Khek, the name that will be on the beaks of all beach-strolling parrots for times to come... If you want to know more about this legendary adventurer, venture over to keenandgraev.com!

And that brings us to the end of another riveting Town Crier! If there's anything of entertaining or informational note that our entrepid traveller may of missed or if you simply want to chime in your two coppers, please drop in at the EQII Official Forums! Please remember to tip your waitress.