Nektropos Castle Zone Review - Recommended level: 30 - 35
Nektropos Castle, accessed through Nektulos Forest, is an instanced dungeon intended for groups in the lower 30's.
The Access Quest, even though no longer required is still in the game, for those that are interested in the lore details its still worth the time. It starts with a book you receive in your inventory once you cross the bridge connecting Nektulos Forest to the Commonlands.
Once inside the castle, you will find a NPC that seeks your help right around the first corner. If you head straight and through the doors ahead and then at the broken staircase to the right you will find the Ghost Lore and Legend Quest starter in one of the rooms.
Back to the courtyard, you should head to the right, through the door, then right again and follow the hallway; the second door will bring you to the chapel. Inside the chapel is a small ring event, once defeated Alexa will spawn. Alexa will tell you what Lord Everling is up to.
After listening to her, the journey through the castle takes us to the game room, which is on the opposite side of the floor. In the game room you will find some objects of interest, mainly a hidden note that tells you how to progress further through the zone.
Fast forward to the next floor, this is where a good part of the action happens, Everling's daughters need to be defeated and since SOE revamped the zone they also have some sweet loot. One of the bedrooms will hold a nasty surprise though, but, did you really expect to go unpunished for breaking into the bedrooms of the daughters of a Lord?
If you explore the Area a bit you will also find several shinies and the Fairy Lore and Legend book.
Further in, Alexa will seek your assistance again. This time it's all about Olix Everling. I'll keep the twist in the story out though. There are also two named bugs around in the area that are not really required by any quest, but who says no to loot and aa's?
Travelling through the labyrinth of the zone is especially tough in the lower parts of the basement (just what is lord Everling up to that he needs to hide his Laboratory that good?) we almost get close to the end of the zone, but wait, there is more! There is a Heritage Quest Starter hidden down there too.
Well, let's finally head towards the end, after some mean traps you will come to a door, past this door awaits the Juggernaut, quickly pick up the quest from the book on the table that requires you to kill said Juggernaut.
Now, it's finally time for a meet and greet with the Lord himself. Lord Everling did not really expect you to get that far. If the various barriers to keep you out failed then he concludes he needs to defeat you on his own.
In short: It's warped, it's rewarding, and it's nice....
Several nameds, plenty of loots and shinies await in Nektropos Castle. Just one more word of advice, Lord Everling is required for several Heritage Quests; try to get to the parts in question before heading in.
Character Name: IcougCharacter Level: 70 Troubadour
Server: Runnyeye