- Real life first name: Brian
- Main Character name: Loiko
- Server: Mistmoore
- Guild: Legion of Chaos
Where in the real life world do you live? Westlake, Ohio
What type of work do you do? Student
What got you into gaming and what sort of games do you like the most? Siblings/Friends; RPGs/Strategy
What other hobbies or activities do you take part in, other then playing EQII? Tennis, basic programming, school band
What other MMOs have you played? I had a short stint on EQ, but that's it.
How long have you played EQII? Hmm...about 3-4 years I think.
How long is your typical gaming session when playing EQII? 1 1/2 to 2 hours, usually.
What does a typical EQII day consist of for you? Eh...depends...usually just hopping around leveling Alts or helping out guildies.
What was the race and class of your very first character? Dwarven Guardian.
What is your highest level in EQII? 70 Adventure/70 Tradeskill.
What race and class is your main character? Gnomish (No punting allowed) Conjuror.
What do you like the most about the class you have chosen for your main character? The focus on pets is great.
Does your main character worship a deity? Solusek Ro, though I've been too lazy to finish up all the quests yet.
How did you choose your main character's name? Combination of the Random Name Generator and my own imagination.
Which classes in EQII have you NOT played? Eh...probably just Defiler, Brigand, and Warden.
What is your favorite expansion? Love EoF, it has great zone design and the quests really started to become unique there.
What is your favorite zone? Thundering Steppes, just out of nostalgia.
What is your favorite npc? Marshal Surefoot, as I've made a lot of gnome/halfling toons, plus I just like the Baubbleshire, so I did his quest a lot. I love his speech :)
Which expansion do you like the least? DoF, I didn't get involved with it until it was pretty much a dead area, so it never really appealed to me.
Which zone do you like the least? Everfrost. I have never even bothered adventuring or harvesting in there.
Which npc do you like the least? Nathan Ironforge, without a doubt.
What is the most platinum you have ever spent on purchasing a single item for one of your characters? Hmm...Probably 10-15 plat for one of the better masters, as I reached 70 not too long ago, and only got the cash for masters about 2 weeks ago, at which point there wasn't too much point in buying them :P
Do you have an item you no longer use but keep around for nostalgic reasons? If so what is it and why do you keep it? Nothing for nostalgia, though I still keep that dang heartwood piece around in case it ever gets used :P
What do you like best about EQII? The community really is amazing! (Stop snickering in the back!)
What do you get out of playing EQII? Enjoyment, combined with a bit of satisfaction.
Describe your best experience from playing EQII? Strangely enough, it was playing a lowbie wizard a long time ago. I was heading to join a group that was going into the back end of Blackburrow, and I ran into the group as they were taking on one of those big groups of 3 down-arrow heroics...I one-shotted the entire group with a master 2 AoE, and that's really the point where I thought "hey, I can really do something for the group as DPS!"
Do you run or work for an EQII Fan Site? I wish ;)