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The Hungry Gnome!
There are a great many player-run taverns, bars and restaurants across the face of Norrath, and I'm om a mission to visit each and every one of em! I am Gnobrin Gearbender… and I am a hungry gnome. In this first installment of "The Hungry Gnome", I visited "The Eency Weency Spider" on the Antonia Bayle server!
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Jan 18, 2008
Nestled in South Qeynos at 4 Bayle Court(a stone's throw from the Mage's Tower), is Brosha's place. This tavern in Antonia Bayle server has been transformed from the usual Qeynosian home to a warm and inviting place to spend a Tuesday evening! In this gnome's opinion, "The Eency Weency Spider" tavern was a joy to visit, with spacious sitting areas and some very fun chatter to listen to.
The Vagabond Knights really know how to make a place feel like home, with drinks all around and a great atmosphere! Telis, Disha and even their guild leader Spindel ensured that all it's patrons were well taken care of, due to all three taking turns behind the bar that evening. Not a whistle went dry, having been wetted with what was running on tap as well as some other interesting brews.
Before wandering from the warmth of the bar, I caught the attention of Spindel. The Ratonga fellow informed me that it took his guild mate Tock about 2 months of hard work to get The Eency Weency Spider to this condition. And talk about the spiders! I have visited my fair share of taverns across the face of Norrath with some interesting mascots, but this is indeed the first I can recollect where the resident pets were spindly-legged spiders.
A few of the glistening-eyed hairballs shared the bar that evening, wandering about and making use of the furniture to gain a better perspective of those that were present. Thankfully too, there were no incidents with these unusual additions that eve due to the many feet that could of been stepped on by the well-watered patrons.
After speaking to the Spindel, I made my way through the bar and into the well-lit kitchen. If I didn't know better, I'd say that there was no cooking done recently because of the immaculate condition of the prep-areas, but I was proven wrong by a very industrious Ratonga maid working her magic at the stove.
Her deft handiwork showed that it was her own skills that kept such a clean kitchen since she never spilled a drop. A freshly roasted turkey was at the ready too, as well as some other wonderful vittles that awaited the swift footwork of the bar-staff to be soon delivered to the waiting mouths of it's patrons.
Traveling upstairs, I found a quaint sitting area well stocked with the best pillows money could buy from the merchants of Maj'Dul. The colors were almost hypnotizing, but perhaps that was just due to the bottle of exotic incense located on the nearby table. Due to the amount of tavern left to spy, I sadly left the comfort of those soft pillows only to then find myself in the bar's gambling corner!
Green plush gambling tables were situated perfectly around the room to ensure a lessened chance of cheating, something you'd never consider with the watchful eyes of the nearby paintings. I never considered for an instant the thought of "borrowing" some of the left behind chips, but arranging them slightly different for a little Bristlebane fun was certainly an option (Perhaps come Bristlebane day, I may try just that very thing!).
One more flight of stairs led me to the crowning achievement of this establishment, a SECOND bar! Yes indeed, some evenings prove to be too much for The Eency Weency Spider's main bar-room, permitting the spill-over of it's patrons to reseat upstairs! Not only was this bar bigger then most I'd been privy to see in person, but there was also a pond as well as an instrument-stocked stage! I'll have to come back some later time, in hopes of taking in a show!
Thank you to Spindel and the rest of the crew of "Vagabond Nights" for making a gnome feel welcome! I hope to stop in again soon!