With so much information being posted in the EQII Official Forums at all times, it can be very hard to keep up with it and very easy to miss some real gems and opportunities to share. Have no fear though; the Treasure Chest is here to highlight interesting, unusual, and humorous posts, as well as opportunities to help your fellow player with a question or two!

Treasure of Knowledge!

To mentor or not to mentor, that is the question that some adventurers are faced with. Do you Mentor others and hope to get some quest progressions or possibly to seek exploration in places you'd normally not be able to access? When's the best time to do so, for the best benefit?

What trees of abilities can you respec and how do you go about doing it and when? Such a question's been asked this week in the forums, do you have any sure-fire way to rebuild?

A myriad of races travel the face of Norrath, from humans to cat-folk (Kerrans), to lizards (Sarnak/Iksar)... Do you have any race you'd like to see, any race across Norrath that you'd like to play next?

Lore Galore!

The name Mistmyr has surfaced in many locations across Norrath, and the mystery continues to build... Who is Mistmyr, really? Is it Lord Mayong Mistmoore or possibly someone or something else?

Grieg Veneficus and his mad actions is a question this week, in regards to what he may be doing now as well as where he'd fit best in future content, in player opinion. Did the shattering of Luclin destroy that insane fellow? Does he still reside in the hollows of that dead moon, plotting his revenge?

Where and the world does this game's lore come from? Does that lore actually reach so far back to even touch EverQuest and EverQuest Online Adventures?

No place like home!

Valshyra's been busy, as seen by the very lavish home they reside in! This adventurer is so industrious, that they even have an aquarium!
Aquarium instructions: http://forums.station.sony.com/eq2/posts/list.m?topic_id=396528

A good monk and bruiser needs a locale that they can test their formidable skills, a place to train. One has been built by Sapphirius, revel in their choice of a "danger room"!

Every good adventurer absolutely needs a stronghold to call their own, Anasur and their mate Erondis has really shown that they must be exceptional adventurers!

Did we happen to miss anything of note over this past week of informational or entertaining note? Did you simply want to chat about this recent Treasure Chest? You can do so here in the EQII Official Forums!