![]() | Main Character name: I don't really have one but since I've been focusing on her the most, Zannah Daae Server: Runnyeye Guild: Majestic |
Where in the real world do you live?
I live in NSW Australia but am a born and bred Texican (that's a Texan with Mexican heritage).
What type of work do you do?
I'm a mom, that's enough work for anyone. lol
What got you into gaming and what sort of games do you like the most?
I've always been a gamer, for as long as I remember. Tabletop RPGs, the old Atari games (Ms. Pacman FTW!), going to the arcade, skeeball, pool (hey, they're games!)!
What other hobbies or activities do you take part in, other then playing EQII?
Playing with my pet rats, reading fantasy novels (currently reading Ian Irvine), watching movies and favorite TV shows and most importantly, spending time with my daughters.
How long have you played EQII?
A year and a half and counting.
How long is your typical gaming session when playing EQII?
Probably too long. lol I usually play in the evenings after my daughters have gone to bed or during the day when they are at school. So, generally about 5+ hours and if my girls are home, I'm going afk without warning a LOT.
What was the race and class of your very first character?
Dark Elf Brigand because I couldn't choose Swashbuckler, which was what I really wanted to be and a Brigand seemed the closest to a Swashy. Luckily for me I shortly found out about the betrayal quests and promptly betrayed her at around level 10. Even luckier that I chose the correct class for her to switch to a Swashy without knowing it.
What do you like the most about the class you have chosen for your main character?
Zannah is a High Elf Bruiser and I've always loved making characters with an unusual twist (her being a High Elf in this case); things you don't see a lot of everyday. I love that she can kick some tail without getting hers kicked back too badly. You always associate High Elves with caster classes and being snooty, and Bruiser's are definitely not any of that!
How did you choose your main character's name?
I actually had a character in EQ1 with the same first name. It's one of only two names I carried over from that game. The original Zannah's last name, Xi`Beth, is now carried by my Swashy which is the second name I kept. The name Zannah though, is actually the real name of the comic book character Zealot from a comic I use to enjoy and collected called WildC.A.T.s. When I named the original Zannah, I didn't realize until later where I'd heard/gotten the name from.
The name Daae was the surname of Christine from the 2004 released movie, Phantom of the Opera.
Tell me about the project you've started, your Chessboard?
Obsession you mean. LOL I saw a thread started a month ago about chessboards and if anyone had made one. Domino had linked a thread to a chessboard from another player that was smaller scaled. It immediately got my mind wondering if I could make a player-sized version that players could be the pieces on. I was inspired by that thread, as many others were too, and went looking at and making every square table/stool I could find that would accommodate even the largest player's size.
That was the MOST frustrating thing I've ever experienced in the game I think. Everything just never fit! It was either too big, too small, too tall, too short. I seriously almost gave up until I decided to try out benches or long tables with short tables at intervals. After a few misses there as well I thought about the Drednever benches you get from the small airship plating collection. HOPING that a crafted square table from the same expansion would be the right size, I tried them and, obviously, they worked!
Then my obsession with getting enough Drenever benches began. LOL Thank goodness I have a couple wonderful friends in guild who were willing to spend their time and coin in helping me get enough of them. Thank you Ryka and Daghar!
Because the adamantine tables were bugged, I wasn't going to bother with putting pieces on the board. I wanted a WORKING board, one that, if they wanted to, friends could come over and have a game of chess. I also wanted a board that, if enough players were gathered together, a game of "wizards' chess" could be played and I didn't want to have to dismantle the board every time I wanted to put the regular pieces back.
The board still can't be played on with regular pieces, but when I heard about the mannequins a couple weeks back, I honestly just couldn't overlook the potential of having REAL chess pieces. So since then, I've done almost nothing but gather pelts in Kunzar Jungle (with a bit of questing and killing mixed in to relieve the monotony), camp the broker looking at and buying gear, camp lootdb.com for item codes to look at stuff I could get others to imprint for me, and hunting down/crafting those odds and ends I could finish up myself. It's still not done, I need one more class specific hat to finish it off but it seems Bruisers with the relic, white headband class hat are rare on RE. I may just end up having to go without that bit.
I do want to thank Comalv, Aelfgifu, Crimliar, and my guildmate Tolgar for donating imprints of items they owned.
How long did it take you to make that Chessboard?
Well, if we count from the time I first saw the inspiring thread it's been a little over a month now and counting since it's still not quite done. Waiting on the mannequins to come out has been what's taken the longest, but it gave me the time I needed to source out all the materials and gear.
What is your favorite zone?
The revamped Deathfist Citadel! It was just so well done and I love the armor recipes they put in (even if they do need some upgrading now). The catapult to it was a definite bonus! So much fun watching yourself soar through the air before the loading screen comes up. hehe
What is your favorite npc?
The crazy ones? LOL I don't really have one specifically, but those NPCs you guys give crazy dialog to always give me a giggle.
Which expansions do you like the least?
Desert of Flames. I hardly spend any time there at all sadly. I get my characters their carpet, harvest (rarely now since I've grown out of the zone with almost all of my crafters) and go there to shuffle between cities. That's about it.
Which zones do you like the least?
Permafrost. Don't get me wrong, I think it looks awesome, but there's no substance. The drops are extremely subpar even by pre-EoF standards and it's a hassle to get to, especially if Dreadwake is patrolling. I wish they'd revamp it like they did DFC.
Which NPCs do you like the least?
Othysis Muravian from Freethinkers Hideout!! I'm not in a raiding guild so pick-up raids are all I have access to and I've YET to be on a "PUR" that has gotten past her. She's such a pain.
Do you have an item you no longer use but keep around for nostalgic reasons? If so what is it and why do you keep it?
Not for nostalgic reasons but I do like to collect certain things for each of my characters. Like, for Zannah, it was the love notes and hard candies from last years EDay event. I've got almost two boxes full of unique ones in her bank and that was fun trying to see how many different ones I could hunt up myself. Still never managed to get them all (how many are there anyhow?).
My other characters, not all of them yet as I'm still trying to figure out what to collect with them all, have their own collections as well.
Just call me a nut.
What do you like best about EQII?
My friends and being able to do things on my own time without being forced to get groups to get anything accomplished. Being a mom I take a LOT of afk breaks and most without giving a word of warning. Most groups don't appreciate that so I solo a lot. Thankfully, my friends and guildmates understand and are patient with me when we go out together.
Describe your best experience from playing EQII...
This right here! lol When you asked me if you could feature my chessboard I was extremely flattered and blown away! I didn't think making my chessboard would be a huge deal. I just thought of it as another of my obsessive decorating things I had to figure out how to make or I'd explode. So this whole "feature" experience rates at the top of my list of best EQII moments for sure!
Do you run or work for an EQII Fan Site?
Nope. I wouldn't have time to!