- Real life first name: Nicolas
- Main Character name: Balou
- Server: Nagafen
- Guild: Church of Steel
Where in the real life world do you live? Montreal, Quebec in Canada
How long have you played EQII? Since launchWhat other MMOs have you played? Wow, POTBS, Matrix, EQ1, Vanguard, Tabula Rasa. I pretty much tried them all but none got to me like EQ2 did.
What type of work do you do? I work in a warehouse.
How long is your typical gaming session when playing EQII? I could go from an hour to six hours or more.
What does a typical EQ day consist of for you? I start off by re-crafting what I've sold then trying to find a PVP or PVE group
What was the race and class of your very first character? A Dwarf berserker on the Butcherblock server way back.
What got you into gaming and what sort of games do you like the most? What got me into PC gaming was the first person shoot called "Return to castle Wolfenstein".
What other hobbies or activities do you take part in, other then playing EverQuest II? I like to go biking or play paintball.
What is your highest level in EQII? 80
What race and class is your main character? Troll, Guardian
What do you like the most about the class you have chosen for your main character? It's suppose to have the most HP when your start.
Does your main character worship a deity? Rallos Zek
How did you choose your main character's name? I have the same name at work!
Which classes in EQII have you NOT played? Illusionist, ranger, paladin.
What is your favorite expansion? ROK
What is your favorite zone? Permafrost is my favorite zone. I could spend all day in that place.
What is the most platinum you have ever spent on purchasing a single item for one of your characters? 65pp
What do you like best about EverQuest II? The graphics, the way it use to look so realistic; a living breathing world. No other MMORPG has been able to do it.
What do you get out of playing EverQuest II? Great satisfaction of meeting people I've actually met in real life and made friends with.
Describe your best experience from playing EverQuest II? It would have to be the day I saw an x3 of "Les Bougon" which is the guild I created with my RL friends. It was hard to get to where we went even if the guild has come to an end it was worth it and I'd like to thank everyone who tried with me.