Storm Break, is as full of yummy goodness as a halfling's pantry! So good, in fact, we had to show it off in two parts!


Spell Drops

From now on, when the random Adept I and Master I spells drop from critters in the level 1-20 range, they will only be spells that you or members of your group can use!


Some new changes to a few dungeons!

Sebilis and Chardok have new mid-zone respawn points! Also, many of the named critters in Sebilis, Chardok, and Karnor's Castle are less shy and more generous with the quality of their "phat lewtz."


What's eating you???

beast beast beast beast

Perhaps it's this guy! Get a load of those teeth! Storm Break brings with it more Live Event fun. Be sure to explore Norrath carefully! These fangy beasts could be anywhere. And if that isn't enough to keep you up all night, we have put together these desktops for your wallpapering pleasure!


Can't wait for the update to experience the fun? Hop onto the Test server and see all these new goodies and much more for yourselves!