Foremans Journal Building a Fortress
Freeport Director Hezreal's Journal Day Six I cannot even believe that I agreed to do this job... I've got trolls and ogres breathing down my neck everyday. It's getting a little creepy. ...then there's the supply issue! We don't have enough and it's been made very clear that asking for more won't be good for my health... Read More!
Sep 11, 2008
Freeport Director Hezreal's Journal Day Six I cannot even believe that I agreed to do this job... I've got trolls and ogres breathing down my neck everyday. It's getting a little creepy. ...then there's the supply issue! We don't have enough and it's been made very clear that asking for more won't be good for my health... | | |
Day Seven Word from the Overlord's representatives is that I need to get this project done... And no they will not be providing extra supplies. How am I supposed to finish without supplies?! I should have listened to my mother and been a priest... |
Day Eight I've got it! I'll get the citizens of Freeport and our aligned cities to get us supplies! I'm sure that if I bribe the right people I can even get them rewards for it. And if I phrase it just right, they should be easily duped into doing the work. Maybe if I pay the city registrar enough platinum... | |  |
Day Nine I've put the word out that "the forces of Freeport are quite busy creating this glorious fortress for the Overlord. Fortunately an opportunity has arisen where you can do your duty to aid the state. Your gathering services are needed to see this project to completion. You may even earn a commendation or a title for your work." See what I did there? And I didn't even have to threaten. The poor saps will be lining up! |
Day Ten Thank Innoruuk! I successfully managed to get supplies! Promise people a title and a pat on the head from the Overlord and they'll do anything for you... I should have asked for some ale. | |  |
 | Qeynos Director Jasmine's Journal Day Six All I can say is: Wow! The plans that the Queen brought down to show us for the fortress are incredible. I'm so honored to be a part of this project! Her Majesty said she'd supply us with everything we needed as best as she could, and even though we're running low, her counsel is really working hard to get us what we need. | |
Day Seven Our supply needs are really taxing Qeynos' stores. I feel so bad for taking away from my countrymen. I wonder if there's a way that I can get supplies from outside to help. I suggested it to Queen Antonia and she approved my idea as long as we rewarded the people who helped. She's wonderful. I hope that someday, I can be like her. |
 | Day Eight I think I've got it. I've entreated the citizens of Qeynos and our allies to help us gather supplies. I've told them that "the laborers are doing a great job on the fortress, but we are running dangerously low on materials. The council is working to get us more supplies but that takes time and could set back the project. Would you be willing to help us out? Maybe you can earn a commendation or title for your work." | |
Day Nine The response has been overwhelming. Everyone has been so helpful and giving. It really looks like we're going to be able to finish on time! Fortunately, her Majesty has also been very generous with the rewards for aiding the construction efforts. It's good to have such a ruler... I'd hate to be in Freeport right now. I've heard... unfortunate things about the project on their side. |
 | Day Ten I'm so excited! We're almost done with the fortress and it looks... amazing. It's simply beautiful and I'm proud and honoured to have been part of it! I can't wait until the Queen sees the finished product!! | |
September 11, 2008
Bonus Experience September 12th to …