Nights of the Dead 2008!!
The Nights of the Dead celebration (barring acts of Innorruk) will run from Wednesday, October 22, 2008 until Monday, November 3, 2008! Read more!
Oct 15, 2008

The Nights of the Dead celebration (barring acts of Innorruk) will run from Wednesday, October 22, 2008 until Monday, November 3, 2008!
 | Ghosts and ghouls and things that go bump in the night!! It's that time of year again and the Nights of the Dead celebration will soon be upon us. |
As in previous years, there will be trick or treating and the haunted mansion in Qeynos and Freeport. There will also be decorations all around Norrath and Ponchy will be offering up his quest in Antonica. |  |
 | However, THIS year there are some new additions! Not only will there be decorations in Gorowyn for those of the scaly persuasion, some smugglers have managed to sneak a few decorations into Neriak. Now, you can either revel in the fun, or you can curry favour with Queen Cristanos and smash them, either way be sure to talk to the Nights of the Dead celebrators in the various zones for the history behind the festivities! |
There are some fun new Tradeskill recipes going in and those tricksy Gigglegibber Goblins are "handing out" costumes! |  |
| There's also a brand spanking new Haunted Mansion out in the Loping Plains and some new transportation to see you safely through the zone on your way to check it out. |
A Little Lore |
Nights of the Dead is a holiday originating from the people of Ro, but now celebrated throughout Norrath. During this week long celebration, the people of Ro temporarily undergo illusions that make them into skeletons and zombies and they join together in banquets and parades in the streets where they knock on doors asking for treats.
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 | This celebration stems back to the early days of the Age of Destiny. The undead assaulted the city of Maj'Dul at the command of the Godking of the Silent City. It seems they were looking for something... |
Perhaps everyone celebrates the event because the undead found what they were looking for? Or maybe they just don't have anything to hide? | |
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