With so much information being posted in the EQII Official Forums at all times, it can be very hard to keep up with it and very easy to miss some real gems and opportunities to share. Have no fear though; the Treasure Chest is here to highlight interesting, unusual, and humorous posts, as well as opportunities to help your fellow player with a question or two!


Treasure of Knowledge

Need more bars to add abilities to? Help is right here!

Attack speed? Haste? Setting the two straight.

When is it time to upgrade spells? Which spells replace which? Get loads of information on spell lines here.

How do I start with the 1st adventure? Tips for players just starting EQII with the latest expansions.

What's the current world event? Don't miss out! Make sure you participate before it's gone, gone, gone!


There's no place like home!

This week it's all about guild halls!

And check out these interesting features being added to guild halls:

Here's a handy way to get around those massive T3 guild halls - Freeport T3 Maps and Qeynos T3 Maps

Of course it doesn't take long for the mischievious little tricksters to come up with a silly guild hall pranks. Beware of the "too much of a good thing" offer!


Did we happen to miss anything of note over this past week of informational or entertaining note? Did you simply want to chat about this recent Treasure Chest? You can do so here in the EQII Official Forums!