Zone List
There are many new zones coming to Norrath with the release of EQII's fifth expansion, The Shadow Odyssey.
Previewed Zones
 | Veksar In Breaking Ground, GU #48, the preview version of Veksar went live. With the release of TSO, the full version of this dungeon will be available. |
Upper Guk Upper Guk bloodstained halls were once occupied by the frogloks of Innothule, devout followers of the god of valor, Mithaniel Marr. They were either eaten or have been turned into the mindless horde that walk the dark halls of Upper Guk. They protect the old secrets of the frogloks. |  |
| During the Age of Cataclysms, much of the winding mines of Nurga and the Temple of Droga were destroyed. A powerful earthquake brought down most of the old caverns, crushing hundreds of goblins and Chief Gudar, their leader at the time. The surviving goblins soon began to fight amongst themselves. |
Once there was a grand fortress of benevolence beneath the Commonlands. Now, there is a cursed dungeon. This is Befallen, the ancient and haunted underground citadel that once was home to the now defunct Order of Marr's Fist. They built this fortress to serve as the launching point for their efforts to defend the Commonlands against orcs and giants. In this, they were successful... Sadly, their victory was short lived and a powerful evil invaded the fortress and brought about the horrific deaths of the noble knights. |
Najena is the home of the Teir'Dal master elementalist, Najena (not exactly known for her modesty). Najena left her home, Neriak, so that she would be free to practice her arts far from prying eyes. The Empress of the Elements settled in the Lavastorm Mountains, where there was an abundance of mana and resources befitting her experiments, and there created her underground laboratory. |
Long ago, in the Elder Age, Warlord Ykesha removed himself from the public eye. He was nowhere to be found, yet, he never left the halls of Guk... |
And so it happened that in the age of War the Eternal Warlord, Ykesha, revealed himself to be alive. Or rather, undead. Within the halls of Lower Guk, he sat at the Throne of Might. |
As you know, Befallen was meant to be a mighty bastion of light within the Commonlands. The Order of Marr's Fist intended for their fortress to combat the orcs and bandits that were overrunning the region. |
Enter Mistmyr Manor, if you dare. This lush manor is Mayong Mistmoore's private sanctuary. |
Miragul, the most powerful mage in the history of Norrath, feared death and the loss of his accumulated knowledge above all else. A master of all four magical disciplines, Miragul used his knowledge as a necromancer to "cheat death," sealing his spirit and energy into a phylactery while turning his body into a lich. |
Only the most thrill-seeking, or fool-hardy, of adventurers would dare to combat the seemingly inexhaustible number of undead who shuffle about the uppermost halls of Befallen. Those halls, now known as the Cavern of the Afflicted, were once a bustling center for military strategy to combat the forces of evil that threatened the surrounding countryside. |
For many years Lady Najena has been residing within her Hollow Tower, an inverted citadel found deep beneath the Lavastorm Mountains. There she dwells, attending her research and becoming stronger in her command of the elements. She now boasts an impressive number of elemental minions that do her bidding with blind devotion, as well. |
Zones Not Yet Previewed
- Miragul's Phylactery: The Anathema
- Miragul's Phylactery: The Crucible
- Mistmoore: Evernight Abbey
- Mistmoore: Ravenscale Repository
- Mistmoore: Zarrakon's Abyssal Chamber
- Emperor Atrebe's Laboratory: The Fabled City of Kor-sha
- The Moors of Ykesha
- The Void: Obelisk of Ahkzul
- The Void: Anchor of Bazzul
- The Clockwork Workshop
- The Shipyard Cove
- Firemyst Gully