TSO Zone Preview - Miraguls Phylactery: The Anathema and The Crucible
To the Esteemed Chief Scholar Lakewind: Please accept my apology in advance for the tone of this letter, but I feel that I can no longer hold my tongue. Our study of the Eternal Prism has been treacherous, and I must question the wisdom of continuing our research using our current methodology. Read More!
Oct 31, 2008

To the Esteemed Chief Scholar Lakewind:
Please accept my apology in advance for the tone of this letter, but I feel that I can no longer hold my tongue. Our study of the Eternal Prism has been treacherous, and I must question the wisdom of continuing our research using our current methodology.
| As you know, several of our scholars have become little more than blubbering madmen after just hours spent near the Prism, and many who have entered the strange dimensional pockets we discovered have never returned. |
However, as requested, I will present to you what has been discovered thus far, even though the information is incomplete and fragmented. | |
| It is hard to describe the feeling of the icy, cavernous area of the Eternal Prism as anything other than oppressive and even wicked -- so much so that it has been nicknamed "The Anathema" by those who have managed to return. |
Our scholars have explored very little of this reality pocket, as one half of it seems to be guarded by a creature of terrifying power, which has proven deadly to any brave (or foolish) enough to challenge it. | |
| The other direction is guarded by creatures borne of foul necromancy, who are thirsty for the souls of the living, viciously attacking any of our research parties who have entered. |
One brave guardian who returned from The Anathema was stark raving mad, speaking of a tree fed by corpses, and a horrifying pit filled with twisted remains and decay. | |
| Our scholars have been debating the existence of the strange pockets, and what meaning their structure might have -- in other words, why these areas appear the way they do. |
It's hard not to get sense that you are within a dream of some kind, with memories and visions intermingled into a single reality. | |

This is most pronounced in the newest of the reality pockets, which has a very peculiar attribute to it -- this area appears to be comprised of architecture similar to what may have been found in the lost city of Erudin in ages past. | |
| However, the citizens of this place are not as welcoming as the Erudite denizens of the original Erudin may have been. It's strange, but it seems as if they are locked in some kind of inquisition, highly militant and hostile to all who enter. |
They will not listen to reason, will not parley, and in fact seem focused on their singular goal of persecution. For that very reason, this area quickly earned the title of "The Crucible". | |
| As you can see, the Eternal Prism is far from the symbol of Love as told in the poem "The Heart and the Hound". |
A dark presence now resides within it, and our scholars and heroic warriors die nearly daily as we attempt to crack its secrets. | |
| And the situation grows more dire, as the evil aura that befouls the Eternal Prism now seems to be spreading into our reality, which has terrible implications for Everfrost, and potentially, all of Norrath. |
I believe the time is now to begin requesting help from the outside, and enlisting the aid of the brave adventurers from within Norrath to help cleanse our sacred artifact, lest it be lost to us forever. | |
| With all respect to you and the Elders, time grows woefully short, and the time for debate is past. -Scholar Gracil Gracewater |

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