Happy Presidents Day!
On Monday we'll be observing Presidents Day, a federal holiday in the United States. Originally Presidents Day was a holiday honoring George Washington's birthday and was observed on his birthday, February 22nd. In more recent years the holiday was expanded to honor both Washington and Abraham Lincoln, whose birthday is February 12th, and was moved to the third Monday of February. Some of us might remember celebrating the two presidents' birthdays separately back in our schooldays, and many of our players are not from the US. Stop by the EQII forums and tell us about your Presidents Day memories or similar holidays you observe! Please note that due to the holiday, SOE's Customer Service staffing will be limited on Monday, February 16th. We appreciate your patience and understanding for any delays you may experience. Click here for more goodies!
Feb 13, 2009

On Monday we'll be observing Presidents Day, a federal holiday in the United States. Originally Presidents Day was a holiday honoring George Washington's birthday and was observed on his birthday, February 22nd. In more recent years the holiday was expanded to honor both Washington and Abraham Lincoln, whose birthday is February 12th, and was moved to the third Monday of February.
Some of us might remember celebrating the two presidents' birthdays separately back in our schooldays, and many of our players are not from the US. Stop by the EQII forums and tell us about your Presidents Day memories or similar holidays you observe!
Please note that due to the holiday, SOE's Customer Service staffing will be limited on Monday, February 16th. We appreciate your patience and understanding for any delays you may experience.
Enjoy our Presidential Hamster avatar and wallpaper!

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1024x768 Wallpaper / 1680x1050 Wallpaper
The Ward of Elements
Theres Still Time to Give!