Thanks to You!
This year, from January 20, 2009 until February 20, 2009, SOE offered our gamers the chance to help us donate to Child's Play. Since 2003, Child’s Play has raised millions of dollars worth of toys, video games, game systems and cash for 40 children’s hospitals around the US and the world. The communities for EQ and EQII rose to the challenge and through your purchases of the Guktan Shield and the Bear Cub, over $20,000 was donated to this worthy organization. Sincerest thanks from Child’s Play and SOE!
Feb 24, 2009

This year, from January 20, 2009 until February 20, 2009, SOE offered our gamers the chance to help us donate to Child's Play.
Since 2003, Child’s Play has raised millions of dollars worth of toys, video games, game systems and cash for 40 children’s hospitals around the US and the world.
The communities for EQ and EQII rose to the challenge and through your purchases of the Guktan Shield and the Bear Cub, over $20,000 was donated to this worthy organization.
Sincerest thanks from Child’s Play and SOE!
Norrathian Interior Design
Town Crier 2.24.09