SOE Podcast #57
Official SOE Podcast #57 is live!!! Meet Associate Game Designers from EverQuest II and Star Wars Galaxies, play along with Inside SOE “Who Done It,” we announce the winner of the rant challenge, and will the Love Dr. ever return to the Podcast? Jason Ryan’s news gives us all of the latest and greatest from many of the SOE titles! And we include an EverQuest commercial that will bring back some memories. So tune in! You can get your Podcast goodness two different ways: head over to the Podcast’s official site and click on your preferred bandwidth, or if you have iTunes installed, select iTunes Store, type SOE into the search box and click Subscribe! Your feedback is always welcome on the Station forums or via email. Don’t forget you can find us on and !
Mar 04, 2009
Official SOE Podcast #57 is live!!! Meet Associate Game Designers from EverQuest II and Star Wars Galaxies, play along with Inside SOE “Who Done It,” we announce the winner of the rant challenge, and will the Love Dr. ever return to the Podcast? Jason Ryan’s news gives us all of the latest and greatest from many of the SOE titles! And we include an EverQuest commercial that will bring back some memories.
So tune in! You can get your Podcast goodness two different ways: head over to the Podcast’s official site and click on your preferred bandwidth, or if you have iTunes installed, select iTunes Store, type SOE into the search box and click Subscribe! Your feedback is always welcome on the Station forums or via email.
Don’t forget you can find us on
Lavastorm Writs, soon to change!
Treasure Chest