Don't have time to find a group of friends hanging around in the tavern? Tired of barbarians constantly running into battle while you're still tightening the straps of your breastplate? Or are you just the strong, silent type that knows the only way to get a job done right is to do it yourself?
If you're brave enough to venture throughout Norrath without needing several friends to watch your back, then you're not alone. Yet, at the same time, you ARE alone. So very alone.
This doesn't mean you're forced to have to sit around at a workbench all day, does it? Of course not! Just listen to what these people had to say about the benefits of being on your own:
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- Historian Demini of North Qeynos - "I really enjoy taking quiet strolls in the park while reading my books. Sometimes, though, I like to watch people from afar under my tree. Especially those adventurers I read all about! I'd really like to meet one of them sometime! Or some friends! I'd really like some of those, too!"
- Lavic N'Gam of South Freeport - "In my line of work, having someone else around botches a job. As a matter of fact, the only person I want to see when I'm on a job is my targ -- er -- my new friend. The less people I see, the less that see me. Wouldn't mind having a partner at times, though. Always could use a distraction."
- The Watcher of the Fields of The Thundering Steppes - "I am never alone. I watch over the ancestors and they watch over me. The ancestors have much to say if you only listen. Oh! You meant living people. Sorry... it's been a while since I last saw a living person, even if they only have two-legs".
- Kleron Asana of the Nektulos Forest - "Alone, eh? Yeah. I like being alone. If I had other people around here with me, then I'd have to share my spoils. You know... you've got some really shiny pants there, friend. You know the best part of being alone? It means I don't have to worry about any of your friends coming to look for you after I do something LIKE THIS ..."
Perhaps these people may have further information they would like to share with a like-minded individual - a person who wishes to to walk the path of adventure alone. Solo quests are designed with the intent of allowing single players to complete the quest without requiring the assistance of a group. Though able to be accomplished by a solo player, these quests will still present a worthy challenge. These particular quests are intended for adventurers between the levels of 20 to 25.
Look for more solo quests to be added soon for players all the way up to level 50.