Norrathian Interior Design
There are a ton of decorating options available in EverQuest II. With those options come endless ways to use them to create amazing homes in-game. We are blessed with many creative and innovative players in our community! This week: Haley at 1 Compassion Road in North Freeport on the Kithicor server. Read more!
Mar 23, 2009

There are a ton of decorating options available in EverQuest II. With those options come endless ways to use them to create amazing homes in-game. We are blessed with many creative and innovative players in our community! This week: Haley at 1 Compassion Road in North Freeport on the Kithicor server.
Please join in our discussion on the Official Forums and drop by the Norrathian Homeshow for more great decorating!
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