Fan Faire Panels
We're gearing up for Fan Faire 2009, and part of that process includes organizing the panels that you, our devoted players, will be able to attend. As we get things lined up on our end, we want to know what you thought about previous years' panels. Read more!
Apr 03, 2009

We're gearing up for Fan Faire 2009, and part of that process includes organizing the panels that you, our devoted players, will be able to attend. As we get things lined up on our end, we want to know what you thought about previous years' panels.
Here's a list of the panels that we hosted in 2008. Which ones were your favorites? Do you have ideas for new panels you'd like to see? Or do you remember panels from prior years that were really fun or informative?
Come on over to the Official EverQuest II Foums and let us know what you think!
Fan Faire 2008 Panels
SOE / Station / Partners: - SOE Podcast
- SOE Customer Service
- SOE Marketing Panel
- SOE Community Panel
- Station Launcher
- "Station Voice™ powered by Vivox"
- Live Gamer
Games In Development: - The Agency: Developer Preview
- The Animation of Free Realms
- Free Realms: Designing a Casual MMO
- A Behind-the-Scenes Look at a Monumental New Title in Development
EverQuest: - EverQuest: Game Mechanics
- EverQuest: Quest Workshop
- EverQuest: Raids and Missions
- EverQuest: General Session
- EverQuest: Expansion Highlights
- EverQuest: Special Feature Addition
- EverQuest Live Quest: Portal Fragments
EverQuest II: - EverQuest II: Guild Hall Preview
- EverQuest II: Anatomy of an Update
- EverQuest II: History and Lore
- EverQuest II: Preview the Upcoming Expansion
- EverQuest II: History and Lore
- EverQuest II: Anatomy of an Update
- EverQuest II: Anything Goes
- EverQuest II: Live Quest: To Tame the Savage Beast
Matrix Online: - MxO: Developing the Story and Live Events
- MxO: The Ongoing Story
Pirates of the Burning Sea: - Pirates of the Burning Sea
Planetside: - PlanetSide: Roadmap 2008 and Beyond
- PlanetSide: Design Session
Star Wars Galaxies: - Star Wars Galaxies: Trader and Entertainers
- Star Wars Galaxies: All About Combat
- Star Wars Galaxies: Storyteller, Roleplaying and Events
- Star Wars Galaxies: Collections
- Star Wars Galaxies: Heroic Encounters
- Star Wars Galaxies: Galactic Assembly
- Adding Content to Star Wars Galaxies
- Star Wars Galaxies Live Quest: Battle of the Echo Base
Trading Card Games: - Legends of Norrath
- Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game QA
Vanguard: Saga of Heroes: - Vanguard: High Level panel
- Vanguard: Create a Quest!
- Vanguard: General Game and Development
- Vanguard: State of the Game
- Vanguard Live Quest: Trouble on the Trade Route
Don't forget we have a special forum for Fan Faire on the Station Forums, too. We hope you'll be joining us for Fan Faire 2009, June 25-28, at Bally's in Las Vegas! See you there!
Treasure Chest
Norrathian Interior Design Guildhall …