Norrathian Interior Design Guildhall Edition
There are a ton of decorating options available in EverQuest II. With those options come endless ways to use them to create amazing homes in-game. We are blessed with many creative and innovative players in our community! This week: Xanadu's Antonica Guild Hall on the Runnyeye server. Read more!
Jun 08, 2009

There are a ton of decorating options available in EverQuest II. With those options come endless ways to use them to create amazing homes in-game. We are blessed with many creative and innovative players in our community! This week: Xanadu's Antonica Guild Hall on the Runnyeye server.
Please join the discussion on our Official Forums and for more decorating ideas, be sure to check out the Norrathian Homeshow!
Fan Faire 2009 Player of the Year Winners
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