Signups for Friday's EQII Tournament will take place at Fan Faire on Thursday June 25th, during registration/badge pick-up.
If you are interested in participating in the tournament, and you would like to use your own character, please type /testcopy while you're logged into the game on the character you wish to compete with, sometime before Thursday.
There will be buffing available for characters created on site.
Doing a /testcopy of your character does not guarantee your place in the tournament. Signing up at Fan Faire is on a first come, first served basis and is the only way to get a seat in the tournament. Doing a /testcopy beforehand is simply to make sure your character gets copied over if that is the toon you want to play with and will simplify the process if you do end up competing in the tournament.
The tournament will run from 10am PDT until 5pm PDT. We'll run four groups of six people each, every hours for seven hours. There will be 30 minutes for the trial, 15 minutes to set up beforehand, and 15 minutes between each round of play.
Note: Don't forget that in order to see your copied character you need to make a character on one of the test servers first!
Make sure you /testcopy your character as soon as possible!! We look forward to seeing you at the tournament.