Featured Zones: Stormhold and Fallen Gate
Stormhold and Fallen Gate are spotlighted in this second of our series of adventure zone features.
Jan 14, 2005
Featured Adventure Zones: Stormhold and Fallen Gate In this second in a series of features spotlighting EverQuest II adventure zones, we'll discuss Stormhold (Qeynos) and Fallen Gate (Freeport).
| STORMHOLD Introduction Located on the eastern end of Antonica, Stormhold is the ruins of the once-great underground fortress of the Knights of Thunder. It's a complex maze of hallways where dangerous undead Knights roam freely. To locate Stormhold, ride a Griffin to the Thundering Steppes Tower, head on a north road, then turn into the hills toward Gnollsayer's Keep. History Lord Chesgard was a legendary member of a long-dead knightly order known as the Knights of Thunder. It was during one of his many adventures, a crusade into a cursed bunker of the hills in the Commonlands, that Lord Chesgard would claim his greatest prize, the Bone Bladed Claymore. Unfortunately for all of his order, the sword would not be the only arcane force to return with Chesgard. Something dark and evil was beginning to take hold of him. When Lord Chesgard returned to Qeynos, he oversaw the construction of a mighty keep called Stormhold, but evil began to slowly seep into his mind and the design of the citadel itself became twisted and corrupted. Eventually this evil rose to the surface, and all within Stormhold were lost. |  | Stormhold Levels The underground fortress consists of three levels. Level One The Main Hall of Stormhold is located on Level One. Two difficult quests reside beyond the Main Hall's double doors: an Obelisk releases a crowd of tainted souls and a Brazier releases an army of Scions, the toughest enemies in Stormhold. There is a door in the Main Hall that has been locked for many years. One can only imagine what lies behind it. The bell ringers at the entrance have rusted and rotted some, but are still working... maybe they will awaken some greater being inside the darkened halls of Stormhold. Level Two The Atrium is a central and safe gathering place for groups, but still be on the lookout for dangerous enemies like Battlepriests. Level Three Located on Stormhold's third level, the Tomb of Valor is a locked chamber isolated from the fortress's other rooms by a collapsed tunnel. The great treasures of the entombed Storm Lords, long dead heroes of the Knights of Thunder, can be found within the tomb. |  | | | FALLEN GATE Introduction The Fallen Gate is a massive labyrinth of twisting corridors and secret quest locations; notable of these are the armor quests. A key is required for access to this adventure zone. Enter at your own risk, preferably with a group. Fallen Gate is located due west of the Crossroads in the Commonlands. There is only one entrance deep in the heart of the Yapping Maze and admission is only granted once a key is obtained. Those venturing within the maze must be careful to avoid the powerful sandstone giants, silent sentinels of stone that guard the smooth canyons. Quests The quest for the key to Fallen Gate Quest is initially given in North Freeport by Kanos X'Aphon near the entrance to Thieves' Way. You will then travel to the Commonlands, where you'll locate the mouth of Fallen Gate and speak to Tundis N'Oxyle, who will give further instruction for the Access Quest. Alternately, defeating Kizdean Gix provides another means of gaining access to this ancient ruin. | | History Fallen Gate is the crumbled outer section of the Dark Elf city of Neriak. The Dark Elves, or Teir'Dal, were created to be the minions of Innoruuk, the Prince of Hate. They went on to build the darkly majestic underground city of Neriak in the upper reaches of the Underfoot. When a united army of Leatherfoot Halflings and Kithicor Rangers invaded Neriak, Dark Elf Queen Cristanos Thex ordered necromancer Tseralith to unleash a terrible magical attack upon the invaders. Tragically, the Teir'Dal themselves fell victim to the force of this power, and the outer gate of the city was reduced to ruins and sealed forever to all outsiders. Only the Undead incarnations of the Dark Elves and Leatherfoot Halflings were left to stalk the ruins. Fallen Gate Landmarks The First Gate – The first landmark upon entering Fallen Gate, its four columns are inscribed with a story that may yield important clues about the history of this tragic dungeon. Vault of the Fallen – The locked final chamber in Fallen Gate, housing the formidable necromancer Tseralith. Vault of the Fallen is a single group instanced zone. | | |
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