
New Spell Name
Old Spell Name
Levels Attained
No change 1
No change 1
Flash of Steel
Swipe, Steel Swipe, Edged Swipe, Playful Swipe, Flash of Steel, Dazzling Steel, Bedazzling Steel 1, 8, 15, 29, 43, 57, 71
Pincer, Route, Shanghai, Ambuscade, Brazen Thrust, Brazening, Stealthy Charge 2, 9, 21, 35, 49, 63, 75
Spine Attack, Viscerate, Unfriendly Reminder, Cat's Paw, Mark's Remorse, Plunder, Sack 2, 10, 24, 38, 52, 66, 77
Lucky Gambit
Circle Attack, Circle Blade, Deft Rush, Lucky Gambit, Lucky Ruse, Lucky Ploy, Lucky Whirl 3, 14, 28, 42, 56, 70, 80
No change 4
Cheap Shot
No change 4
Lucky Break
No change 5
Kidney Stab
Slice, Gut Slice, Kidney Blow, Disheartening Guile, Guile, Kidney Stab 5, 19, 33, 47, 61, 74
Evade, Divert, Slip, Evasion, Elude, Baffle 6, 18, 32, 46, 60, 73
Hangman's Noose
Hold, Neutralize, Checkmate, Hangman's Noose, Constrain, Bound 7, 23, 37, 51, 65, 76
Dirty Tricks, Flashy Trick, Tricky Display, Deriding Chicanery, Double-cross, Trickery 8, 22, 36, 50, 64, 75
No change 11
Snap of the Wrist
Quick Flurry, Snap of The Wrist, Uncanny Speed, Uncanny Reflexes, Uncanny Response, Uncanny Thrusts 12, 26, 40, 54, 68, 78
Daring Advance
Rash Advance, Risky Advance, Daring Advance, Audacious Advance, Dauntless Advance, Adventurous Advance 13, 27, 41, 55, 69, 79
Flight of Foot, Flight of Fancy, Bladeweaver, Battleweaver, Steelweaver, Weaver 13, 27, 41, 55, 69, 79
Razor Edge
Poke, Nimble Cut, Razor Edge, Razor Point, Eye Point 15, 29, 43, 57, 71
Arctic Blast
Cold Throw, Watery Shot, Frigid Blast, Arctic Blast, Velium Throw 16, 30, 44, 58, 71
Avoid Blame
Avoid Notice, Avoid Attention, Avoid Blame, Avoid Censure, Avoid 17, 31, 45, 59, 72
Fancy Footwork
Fancy Footwork, Smirking Defense, Dexterous Slashing, Agile Slashing, Dexterous Stance 18, 32, 46, 60, 73
Shadow Slip
Stay Low, Lie Low, Shadow Slip, Hideaway 19, 33, 47, 61
Dashing Swathe
Flamboyant Swathe, Rakish Swathe, Brilliant Swathe, Dashing Swathe, Swathe 20, 34, 48, 62, 74
Swarthy Deception
Swarthy Distraction, Swarthy Deception, Swarthy Diversion, Swarthy Disorder 20, 34, 48, 62
Undercut, Hamstring, Disable, Impair, Heel Cut 22, 36, 50, 64, 75
Gibe, Reproach, Admonish, Berate, Tease 24, 38, 52, 66, 77
No change 25
Disarming Grin
Disarming Grin, Disarming Smirk, Disarming Leer, Disarming Sneer, Disarm 26, 40, 54, 68, 78
Flurry of Blades
Flurry of Arms, Flurry of Blades, Fury of Blades, Whirl of Blades, Triple Blades 28, 42, 56, 70, 80
Devious Blade
False Blade, Treacherous Blade, Devious Blade, Blame Blade 30, 44, 58, 72
Spurious Bravado
Feigned Bravado, False Bravado, Spurious Bravado 32, 46, 60
Ruthless Cunning
No change 35
Perfect Finesse
Artful Finesse, Ingenious Finesse, Perfect Finesse 39, 53, 67
Flamboyant Strike
Flamboyant Strike, Gaudy Strike, Flashy Strike 44, 58, 72
Inspired Daring
Inspired Daring, Inspiration, Insight 50, 70, 80
No change 52
Storm of Steel
Hail of Steel, Storm of Steel 55, 74
Lung Puncture
Lung Puncture, Lung Bleed 58, 76
En Garde
En Garde, On Guard 65, 78
Sleight of Hand
No change 80