Important Update: We've moved the date of the event to Thursday, February 18th. It will still be at 4pm PST!! It will no longer be held on Test-Copy! You'll be able to join us from your home server and folks who defeat SOE employees will still get the groovy title! We will be holding a practice run/load test Friday, February 12th on Test-Copy from 3-5pm PST, if you would like to get in a little extra practice before the big match next week!
Battlegrounds are up on Test-Copy!! Teams who win their matches between 5 and 8pm PST every day that the BG's are up for testing will get an awesome battlegrounds cloak for their characters! As a special Battlegrounds event, several members of the SOE staff will be available for match-ups on Thursday, February 11th from 4 until 6pm PST. | | | Our SOE teams will play anyone who wants to challenge us and (if you beat us!) the winners will receive a special in-game title after the event! So make sure you head on over to Test and Test-Copy to practice and we'll see you Thursday!! | |