Norrathian Interior Design
There are a ton of decorating options available in EverQuest II. With those options come endless ways to use them to create amazing homes in-game. We are blessed with many creative and innovative players in our community! This week: Bilibobs's home all done up for The Nights of the Dead on the Antonia Bayle server.
Feb 22, 2010

There are a ton of decorating options available in EverQuest II. With those options come endless ways to use them to create amazing homes in-game. We are blessed with many creative and innovative players in our community! This week: Bilibobs's home all done up for The Nights of the Dead on the Antonia Bayle server.
What was your inspiration for this home? Halloween What are your favourite materials to work with in-game to create certain effects (waterfalls, stairs, grottos, aquariums, etc)? The stone items, Oggakin, Crude, Grobb... it blends perfectly. How long did this home take? Just about 1 1/2 weeks, a couple hours a night. | | | Did you plan it with a certain story in mind, or did it just grow out of what you had on hand or what your character would want in their home? No we had a Theme in mind. The lord of the house resides in the lower chambers in the tombs, Bilibob is his follower who cares for the residence. The "Guest Quarters"/Torture Room upsairs is where we entertain our guests. Those who are not entertained find their way down the "Shute" to the Kitchen. How many items did you end up using and was it hard to keep within the limits? 700 / 700 !!!!!!! OF COURSE WE NEEDED MORE ROOM!!!!! | | | | | What decorating tips do you have for your fellow decorators (vetern or newbies)? Be Creative. There's never enough room EVER! What one thing would you like to be able to build in-game if you could have all the materials you wanted and item limits weren't a constraint? Basically using a Tier 3 Guild Hall, and createing a Labyrinth of passage ways and room structures to form our own custom guild hall / quarters. | | | | | If you change your decorations seasonally, what is your favourite time of year for decorations? We do not change our decorations seasonally, we will be useing muliple houses for diffrent themes. Christmas is my personal fav. time of year and I'm looking foward to frostfell. We are acually about to start decorating for it soon, in one of my alt's houses. | | | | | Who was involved in the decorating for your home, if you had help? Bilibob, Anestasia, Kagan, Kerfuffle. I do have to send thanks to all the members of Vitality, between giving ideas while we were building, to helping on Halloween for all the guests from the server. | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Please join the discussion on our Official Forums and for more decorating ideas, be sure to check out the Norrathian Homeshow!
The Importance of Opting-in
Town Crier 2.23.10