We recently ran a forum challenge, encouraging our community's artists to submit their Notable Norrathians. Their reward for winning is to have their submission immortalized in EQII as a house painting! We're currently in the judging phase (and should see the results very soon!), but we thought it would be nice to show off all the entries for everyone to appreciate!
 Mapped Horizons - Bellacouste of Everfrost |  Culling the Infidel - Ainaree of Antonia Bayle |
 You Ruined Your Own Lands - Alarice of Antonia Bayle |  Beloved of Bristlebane - Amemyst of the Bazaar |
 My Immortal - Adiene of Antonia Bayle |  Woman Scorned - Connall of Antonia Bayle |
 Antonican Battle - Corisu of the Bazaar |  Toxxulia Takes Off - Declaen of Crushbone |
 E'ci - Diamante of Antonia Bayle |  Valor and Love - Dylara of Crushbone |
 Tayil N'Velex: The Betrayer Elexi of Antonia Bayle |  Amree and Saphronia: A Mentoring Session Enna of Antonia Bayle |
 Tunare's First Daughter - Erithe of Antonia Bayle |  The Mysterious Drafling - Hortensia of Everfrost |
 Maiden of Undeath - Imtithal of Nagafen |  The Lord and His Minions - Inni of Antonia Bayle |
 Tunare's Chosen - Istanna of Guk |  Food for Duggin - Jomoma of Befallen |
 The Shepherd of the Celestial Watch Kethaerah of Mistmoore |  Deceptively Handsome - Kikiriki of Antonia Bayle |
 Wrath of the Overlord - Lillyaanya of Antonia Bayle |  The Enlightened - Nhea of Antonia Bayle |
 Lord Zephanor's Greatest Honor - Zephanor of Guk |  Confronting the Forgotten One - Sess of Permafrost |
 Lucan D'Lere Got Pied - Saksisi of Nektulos |  The Light of Tunare - Serenitii of Permafrost |
 The Mistress of Rage - Rainmare of Oasis |  Felwithe by Moonlight - Shanyssa of Blackburrow |
 To Wield Soulfire - Solani of Oasis |  Twilight in the Tunarian Throneroom Starseeker of Crushbone |
 Turn of the Tide - Torryn of Antonia Bayle |  Good for What Ails Ya - Vessence of Mistmoore |
 The Ascencion of Lanys T'Vyl - Xelexia of Unrest |  Lord Mistmore's Not So Finest Moment - Zatrkorak of Nektulos |
 I Will Be Back - Ohlon |