Sony Online Entertainment
~ ~ Fan Faire - Backstage Blogger Contest ~ ~
Time is ticking away! The Fan Faire Backstage Blogger contest ends on Thursday, July 1, 2010, 11:59 p.m. PDT!
Have you ever wanted to see what Fan Faire is like behind the scenes? Now's your chance to find out! Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) is looking for guest bloggers to write and record their Fan Faire adventures in Las Vegas!
Submitting an entry is easy! Just make a video and write a brief message telling us why you like playing your favorite SOE game!
Don’t forget! You need a video blog AND a written blog! For your videos, don’t be shy. You don’t need a big production to make it fun and enjoyable. Just turn on your web came and talk about your favorite SOE game, what you like to do in the game, etc. Just remember to add "THIS IS AN ENTRY TO A SONY ONLINE ENTERTAINMENT SPONSORED CONTEST" at the beginning for both!
~ ~ What do Fan Faire Backstage Bloggers get? ~ ~
In addition to winning a really cool bloggie™ Camera Kit and a Fan Faire Platinum Pass, Backstage Bloggers will have special access to the main hall, late night gaming sessions, panels, the banquet, the Live Quest preparation area, tournament area. Going to be in town on Thursday and Sunday? Well if you are selected as a Backstage Blogger you can come watch us put it all together and tear it all apart!
Hurry and get your entries in before it’s too late?
Visit the Backstage Blogger Contest Page for details!