Last Thursday night at the Fan Faire Welcome Reception, SOE President John Smedley revealed the name and logo for the next EverQuest II expansion; Destiny of Velious.

In Destiny of Velious, new and veteran players will be transported to the legendary Great Wastes of Velious, where towering dungeons, dangerous beasts and epic storylines await. Find out where the ongoing tale of Norrath will lead, and see what happens when the twin Swords of Destiny are drained of their powers, and the prophecy known as Age's End begins to unfold.
On Friday, the team presented the EverQuest II: The Next Expansion! panel at Fan Faire and gave a few sneak peeks at the new content, shared some unreleased details, and revealed some exciting new features coming to EverQuest II.
Some gaming sites and EQII fansites were present and have posted their own recaps of what they learned about Destiny of Velious:
- EQ2 Zam: Fan Faire: EQII Expansion Panel
- Massively: Destiny of Velious details announced for EverQuest II
- TenTonHammer: EverQuest 2: Destiny of Velious Unveiled at SOE FanFaire 2010
- EQ2 Wire: Live Blog: EverQuest 2: Destiny of Velious Expansion Panel & Gallery: EQ2 Destiny of Velious Expansion Slides
Keep watching the EverQuest II Players site for more official information about Destiny of Velious.