Did you miss Fan Faire 2010? If you did, well...we missed you, too. Aww.
But all is not lost, because EQII has the best fansites around, and we wanted to be sure that everyone who went and everyone who didn't go would be able to catch up on everything EQII from Fan Faire 2010!
It's been one week since we were all in Vegas, celebrating our favorite games, getting down to the nitty gritty with the dev teams, and meeting our fellow players from all over the world. Some of the news is still pouring in, but here's everything we could find thusfar. If you know of more news we missed, click the "Join the Discussion" button below and leave links!
Welcome Reception:
- SOE: Welcome Reception - pt.1 [HD]
- SOE: Welcome Reception - pt.2 [HD]
- SOE: Welcome Reception - pt.3 [HD]
- SOE: Welcome Reception - pt.4 [HD]
- SOE: Welcome Reception - pt.5 [HD]
- SOE: Welcome Reception - pt.6 [HD]
- SOE: Welcome Reception - pt.7 [HD]
- SOE: Welcome Reception - pt.8 [HD]
- EQ2 Wire: Live: SOE Community Address Pics
- EQ2 Wire: Live: SOE Community Address Pics 3
- TenTonHammer: SOE Fan Faire Kicks Off With EQ and EQ2 Expansion Highlights
- Epic Slant: Fan Faire 2010 key note

EQII Extended Panel:
- SOE: Everquest II Extended panel pt.1 [HD]
- SOE: Everquest II Extended panel pt.2 [HD]
- SOE: Everquest II Extended panel pt.3 [HQ]
- SOE: EverQuest II Extended panel pt.4 [HQ]
- EQ2 Wire: EQ2Wire and the EverQuest 2 Extended Panel
- EQ2 Wire: Live: EQ2 Extended (F2P) Panel
- EQ2 Wire: Gallery: EQ2 Extended Discussion Panel Photos
- Epic Slant: EverQuest 2 Extended Panel
Destiny of Velious Panel:
- Fan Faire: EQII Expansion Panel
- EQ2 Wire: Live: EverQuest 2: Destiny of Velious Expansion PanelGallery: EQ2 Destiny of Velious Expansion Slides
- EQ2 Wire: EverQuest II: Destiny of Velious Official Pics & Video
- Massively: Fan Faire 2010: EQII flying mounts, EQNext art revealed
- TenTonHammer: EverQuest 2: Destiny of Velious Unveiled at SOE FanFaire 2010
Art & Animation Panel:
- EQ2 Wire: EQ2 Art & Animation Panel Notes
Tradeskills & Housing Panel:
- EQ2 Wire: Live: EQ2 Tradeskills Panel
- EQ2 Wire: Gallery: Tradeskill Panel Slide

Class Mechanics Panel:
- EQ2 Wire: Live: EQ2 Mechanics and Class Balance Panel
- Epic Slant: EQ2 and Class Balance
Battlegrounds & PVP Panel:
- EQ2 Wire: Live: EQ2 PvP & Battlegrounds Panel
- EQ2 Wire: Gallery: PvP/Battlegrounds Panel Slides
Q&A Panels:
- EQ2 Wire: Live: EverQuest II Q&A Panel #1
- EQ2 Wire: Live: EverQuest II Q&A Panel #2
Pool Party:
- EQ2 Wire: Pool Party, Dave Georgeson, and a few Silly Pictures
- TenTonHammer: SOE Fan Faire 2010 Pool Party

EQII Live Quest:
Grand Banquet & Costume Contest:
- EQ2 Wire: Costume Contest, Proposal, and Wrap
- EQ2 Wire: Fan Faire Banquet & Costume Contest Photos
- EQ2 Wire: Billy Speaks!

General Fan Faire:
- EQ2 Wire: Talking Shop with EQ2 Devs
- EQ2 Wire: What DIDN’T Get Asked at Fan Faire?
- EQ2 Wire: Gallery: Fan Faire Floor Photos
- EQ2 Wire: Random Photos.. and Othmir illusion?
- EQ2 Traders: Fan Faire 2010 Panel
- Epic Slant: A moment with Frizznik
- Epic Slant: SOE Fan Faire Day 1
- A View From the Top: View From The Top Episode 15 – Paul “Frizznik” Carrico
- Complete Heal: Fan Faire Recap (pictures to follow)
Silent Auction:
- Greg's Place: Mighty Mugg
- Tradeskill Perspectives: Mighty Mugg
- EQ2 Traders: What to Do With Qho?

Backstage Blogger Winners:

A HUGE thank you goes out to everyone who joined us in Vegas to celebrate Fan Faire 2010. We couldn't have done it without you. For those who couldn't make it, we hope to see you next year at Fan Faire 2011!