Here's your chance to choose the best of 2010! Voting is now open for Beckett Massive Online Gamer’s 2010 Reader’s Choice Awards. Have your say in the following categories:
- Best MMO of 2010
- Best New MMO of 2010
- Best Fantasy MMO of 2010
- Best Non-Fantasy MMO of 2010
- Best Kid-Friendly / All-Ages MMO of 2010
- Best Free-to-Play MMO of 2010
- Best Non-MMO Online Game of 2010
- Most-Anticipated MMO
Sony Online Entertainment games have been nominated in most of the categories. There's also a write-in section for each category, so you can fill in your favorite if it's not listed.
- EverQuest II is nominated in the Best MMO of 2010 and Best Fantasy MMO of 2010 in the categories.
- Star Wars Galaxies is nominated in the Best Non-Fantasy MMO of 2010 category.
- Free Realms is nominated in the Best Kid-Friendly/All-Ages MMO of 2010 category.
- EverQuest II Extended is nominated in the Best Free-to-Play MMO of 2010 category
- DC Universe Online is nominated in the Most Anticipated MMO category.
Read the article here, and then take the survey here. If you do not have an account on Beckett Massive Online Gamer's site you will need to create one to vote. The poll will be open until December 15th, so you have until then to PWN the vote! The results are scheduled to appear in the next issue of Beckett MOG (hitting stores in early January).