Gnip Gnopp the gnome has left his workshop cleanup til the last minute and is begging for your help so he'll be ready for Frostfell. Better bring along some large burlap sacks, put on your armor, and get a tetanus shot.
The Giftgiver's Dilemma scenario will be offered in Legends of Norrath through Tuesday, January 11, 2011, at 2 p.m. PT. The first time you win the scenario, you'll win the Gizmonic Zapper (11P14) promo card AND either the Unwritten Glyph (10EQP4) loot card for EverQuest® or the Superior Draught of the Brilliant (10EQIIP4) loot card for EverQuest® II, depending on your in-game settings. You can receive additional copies of the Lucky Gnoll's Foot promo card each time you defeat the scenario with a different avatar archetype (limit 4 per account).