This holiday season, starting at 1:00 p.m. PST on Thursday, December 23rd and continuing until Monday, January 3rd, 2011 at 8:00 a.m. PST, look for on-demand tournaments that you and 7 others can start up whenever you wish in Legends of Norrath!
For just five (5) event passes, you will receive a "Giftgiver's Pack" that will contain an entry into the 2010 Holiday Tournament and one (1) special surprise LoN item from the list below.
- One (1) Foil Haywire Opticron (11P1) promo card
- One (1) Foil Elder Spirit Guide (11P13) promo card
- One (1) Foil Gizmonic Zapper (11P14) promo card
- One (1) Clockwork Gnome Toy (11P15) promo card
- One (1) Clockwork Menace Toy (11P16) promo card
- One (1) Crown of Lightning (11EQP9) or Stained Glass Tapestry of the Dragon (11EQIIP9) Loot card, based on your loot preference
- Three (3) Legends of Norrath Event passes
- One (1) Dragonbrood – The Anarchs booster pack
- One (1) LoN Event Pass
- One(1) booster pack from Travelers, Vengeful Gods , or Doom of the Ancient Ones expansions
- One (1) Dragonbrood – The Anarchs Choose a Loot card
- Or other cool surprises!
Please note that participation is limited to U.S. residents only. Void in Arizona, Connecticut, Iowa, Maryland, Nevada, Tennessee, and Vermont.

But wait, there's more! Registered users who log in to LoN on December 25th , 26th , or 27th will receive one special stocking stuffer surprise!
For details, visit the Legends of Norrath Events Calendar!
Have a Happy Frostfell in Norrath and have a Happy Holidays from all of us at SOE!