EverQuest II has so many wonderful and supportive fan sites, blogs and podcasts, so this holiday season we hope you'll help support them by participating in their festive events, contests and charity auctions!
EQ2 Talk's Charity Auction for Child's Play
Dellmon and Aliscious from the EQ2 Talk podcast are auctioning off two custom painted Mighty Muggs, with the proceeds going to support Child's Play. Inspired by the SOE custom Mighty Muggs auctioned off at Fan Faire, the two co-hosts painted a Mugg of each other for this great cause.
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by Dellmon | by Aliscious |
"We are taking bids on the Muggs by e-mail. Bidding will be on the honor system, and will close midnight PST Dec. 31, 2010. Be sure to “like” us on Facebook to get regular updates! You can also check back here to find out the current high bids."
Join the discussion on the EQII forums, then help support Child's Play and EQ2 Talk by bidding. We've heard buzz about using the Dellmon Mugg as a voodoo doll...come on, you know it's tempting! It's for the children!
Everseek's Frostfell Decorating Contest
Everseek.com is hosting a Frostfell decorating contest to celebrate the Frostfell holiday season! Decorate your own home and submit your entry through Wednesday, December 29, 2010 for your chance to win.
Contest judges include Aslita (Decorator), Feldon (EQ2 Wire), Jesdyr (Layout Editor Creator), and Serenitii (Everseek).Winners will be awarded a Station Cash code worth 1,000 Station Cash. See site for full details.
Don't delay! Show off your decorating skills and enter today! Join the discussion on the EQII forums.
More Holiday Fun!
Don't miss out on KITHICOR.ORG Presents.. Frostfell Music!! All the holiday parody songs you could want, all bundled up into one shiny holiday package! Thanks, Jethal!
Fansite Round-Up!
Don't forget to spend some time this holiday season with your favorite EQII sites, blogs, and podcasts.
Podcasts & Media:
News, Blogs and Guides:
- Epic Slant
- EQ2 Wire
- EQ2 Zam
- The Tattered Notebook at Massively
- Massively
- TenTonHammer
- Warcry
Crafting and Decorating:
Do you run a fan site, blog or podcast that we missed? Keep our list up to date by sending a PM to Amnerys on the EQII Forums.
Happy Holidays!