SOE is proud to announce a new game where EQII players can enjoy Norrathian adventures outside of the world of Norrath -- Fortune League!
Fortune League is a competitive strategy game based on the fantastical world of EverQuest II. Tactically combine Norrathian Race and Class combinations to build the ultimate Hero Party and conquer weekly Quests. Defeat other players in your League to win the top spot in the Adventure, and earn EverQuest II in-game items.
In Fortune League, real-time performance data from EverQuest II actually drives the Facebook game. Your ability to assess Quests, Hero performance, situational threats and your competition’s actions in a live trade market are rewarded with points and ultimate bragging rights.
Fortune League is currently in its Alpha season and we welcome your feedback on the Fortune League forums.

How to Play
- Join or create a League in which to compete.
- Assess the current Quest to determine what combination of Hero talents you want in your Party.
- Go the to Broker to check out each Hero’s current market value and performance statistics.
- Add 6 Heroes to your Party within your given Platinum budget.
- Trade Heroes as opportunities, disasters and market dynamics change to earn points, based on your Party’s performance during each Quest.
- Maximize your points over the course of the Adventure.
Game Rewards
Weekly Prizes
The first weekly rewards are:
- All Participants - An AA scroll
- Winners - An XP potion and an AA scroll
Seasonal Prizes
The first season-end rewards are:
- Wings of the Legion - available to players with a total score in the the top 20% for the season
- Trophy Cup - available to the top 40 players for the season

Join the discussion on the Fortune League forums!